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Chupacabra. Ukraine

ID #1638972450
Added Wed, 08/12/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
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Chupacabra in Ukraine is mentioned in newspapers 100 years ago. The mythical creature is at least 100 years old! A local historian from the Zhytomyr region came to this conclusion: he found references to the creepy creature in newspapers 100 years ago. And I was very surprised. A creature similar to a kangaroo attacked pets at night, it was seen in the Ukrainian forests at the beginning of the XX century!

57-year-old Alexander Pirogov has been researching the history of his native Radomyshl for a long time. Therefore, he became interested in the newspaper "Radomyshlyanin", published in the county town in 1912-1917.

"This newspaper is now a real bibliographic rarity," says the local historian. — In Ukraine now there are only four copies of it from different years, in the Vernadsky Scientific Library of the capital. But in St. Petersburg, in the state library there, the files of "Radomyshlyanin" have been preserved for several years. It was with them that I worked. And in one of the newspapers I found a very strange note."

On the yellowed page of the newspaper, dated February 6, 1913, the following is printed:

"An unheard-of beast. A few days ago, an animal appeared in the village of Lyakhova, which causes a lot of harm to some settlements. He makes his way to pets, mostly pigs and sheep, and distorts their faces, scratches their eyes. It is assumed that this is a "Kangaroo". How it appeared in our region is unknown."

Almost modern descriptions of the "chupacabra": and lacerations on the bodies of animals, and the similarity of a strange animal to a kangaroo - short front paws and long hind legs.

"A hundred years ago, a strange animal was never caught—" says Alexander Pirogov. — My friend lives in the village of Lyakhova, which was renamed Osichki after the war. He had often heard from his grandmother memories of a creepy creature that harassed pets by attacking them at night. The peasants even organized roundups then, attracted hunters — but all in vain."

A hundred years after these strange events, the chupacabra in Ukraine once again reminded of itself. In the autumn of last 2012, on the outskirts of the Malin district center, 20 kilometers from Osichok (Lyakhovaya), a mysterious creature attacked rabbits in several houses, breaking down the walls of cages, killed the animals.

One of the owners whose rabbits suffered, pensioner Pavel Isaenko, managed to see the beast. "Something jumped past me from the cages," Pavel recalls. "The creature was about a meter tall, had an upright posture and yellowish smooth skin." What is not the description of the mysterious "Kangaroo" from the last century?


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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