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Lizard Man. United States

ID #1637934200
Added Fri, 26/11/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
болота Скейп-Ор-Суомп
United States

Representatives of alternative sciences sometimes claim that long before the appearance of the white man, the Indians of South Carolina were familiar with a race of lizard people or fish people who lived in an area called the Inzignanin. In our time, meetings with lizardman (this is the name of this monster in English) began in 1988. Then on the night of June 29-30, a dark-skinned young man Christopher Davis was returning home from work in his Toyota Selica car. Not far from the Scape-Or-Suomp swamp, his tire burst. I had to stop and do repairs. When the job was done and Christopher put the jack in the trunk, he suddenly heard a terrible noise. Turning around, he saw that a terrible creature with burning red eyes, looking both like a huge lizard and a man, was running towards him across the field at full speed. The disgusting green monster was clearly going to attack the seventeen-year-old boy, but he managed to jump into the car and slam the door in the face of the lizard man. Davis stepped on the gas, but the enraged monster managed to jump onto the roof of the Toyota. Christopher kept increasing his speed, but there was still a rumble on the roof. The young man turned the car sharply to the right, and the monster fell to the ground. After the fall, the lizard man, apparently, still tried to chase the car, but he failed to catch up with the car.

When Christopher arrived home, he was shaking nervously, and he burst into tears. The young man told only his parents and closest friends about the incident. However, he soon had to talk to the police. When traces of claws and teeth of an unknown creature were found on another car, neighbors sent policemen to Davis. County Sheriff Liston Truesdale suggested that Christopher take a lie detector test, and he agreed. When testing, the young man answered without hesitation, without hesitation. The test was passed with honor.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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