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UFO. United States

ID #1635895588
Added Wed, 03/11/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
парк Роринг Ривер
United States

Ted Phillips Report:

On November 22, 1966, B&some friends were hunting deer near Roaring River State Park in southwest Missouri. 

They were away from their camp for about an hour. JB spoke to a friend who had just passed by the camp and said that everything was fine at the time. 30 minutes later, between 09:00 and 10:00, B. was returning to the camp. When he was about 100 yards from the camp, he noticed a faint column of smoke. He ran there and found that the tent was smouldering. He didn't see any flames or sparks, a pair of leather shoes and some records were still smoking. He didn't feel the intense heat coming from the remains. After 30 minutes, the tent and equipment were destroyed. He noticed a dead tree about 15 feet from the tent that was burning at the top, it was about 15 feet high. 

He took a picture of a tree on which the burning upper part is visible, after he saw a UFO. The tent was 12 x 18 feet in size. The aluminum supports supporting the tent were singed, but not burned, the aluminum bunks inside were melted. 

The tent was under two trees, and they were not injured. 

As he was looking through the remains, he heard a low humming sound and saw an object rising from the valley just outside the tent. When the object was first seen, it was right above the horizon, that's when the first photo was taken. The second photo was taken a few seconds later, when the object began to gain speed and gain altitude. 

As the object rose and gained speed, the buzzing became more intense. The shooting lasted about 20 seconds. When it was last seen, the object was moving northwest and was about 40 degrees above the horizon. B. could see what looked like a dark band or rim around the center of the object. The UFO was aluminum-colored and reflected scattered sunlight. The antenna is visible at the top of the back. 

During the flight, the object was stable. After the object disappeared, the observer walked the distance from the observation point to the place where he rose, the distance was about 300 feet. He estimated a diameter of 25 feet with a thickness of 8 feet. About 15 minutes after the object disappeared, two F-104s flew over the area at a very low altitude, they made one flight, flying to the southeast. These planes were also seen by others in the area. 45 minutes after the incident, a single-engine plane flew over the area from northeast to southwest, it was not a military aircraft. As a result of the fire, a tent and equipment worth about $ 600 were damaged, said B.

B. stated that he always wore a camera around his neck while hunting in the hope of photographing a deer. An Argoflex 620 dual lens was used as the camera. The main lens is Argus Coated Verex, 75 mm f / 4.5 Anastigmat. Shutter speed from time to 1/200 seconds. The apertures are f/4.5. f/6.3, f/9, f/12.7, f/18. The witness stated that he probably used a shutter speed of 1/50 of a second and an aperture of f/8 (which would have been f/9). If the camera was focused to infinity (he said he usually left the focus there, in case he saw a deer and could take a quick picture), the depth of field would be from 41' to infinity. 

The witness allowed Allen to take the negatives to Northwestern University, where they were examined and turned out to be normal in all respects. 

Astronomical data: the passage of the Sun at an altitude of 11h59 m, azimuth 149d, altitude 26d11 m north latitude. 
Weather data: highly scattered clouds, mostly thin, north-northwesterly winds from 5 to 10 mph, the temperature at around 1000 was 37d. 

It was a really fascinating and compelling case that marked the beginning of decades of focusing on cases of the "physical trace" of UFOs for Ted Phillips.

Original news

Given that the Roaring River State Park case of 1966 was the catalyst I will quote Ted Phillips own report:

“On November 22, 1966, B & several friends were deer hunting near the Roaring River State Park, in southwestern Missouri. 

“They had been away from their camp site for about one hour. J B talked with a friend who had just passed by the camp & he stated that everything seemed to be normal at that time. 30 minutes later, between 09:00 & 10:00, B was returning to the camp site. When he was about 100 yards from the camp he noticed a faint column of smoke. He ran to the area & found the tent smoldering. He could see no flames or sparks, a pair of leather shoes & some records were still smoking. He could feel no great heat coming from the remains. In 30 minutes the tent & equipment had been destroyed. He noticed a dead tree about 15 feet 

from the tent which was burning at the top, it was about 15 feet tall. 

“He photographed the tree showing the burning top section after seeing the UFO. The tent was 12 x 18 feet in size. The aluminum poles supporting the tent were singed, but not burned, aluminum cots inside were melted. 

“The tent was under two trees & they were not damaged at all. 



(Ted Phillips' investigation file)

“As he was looking through the remains he heard a low humming sound & saw an object rising from a valley just beyond the tent area. When the object was first seen it was just above the horizon, it was at that time that the first photograph was taken. The second photograph was taken seconds later as the object began to gain speed & climb. 

“As the object climbed & gained speed the humming sound seemed to become more intense. The sighting lasted perhaps 20 seconds. When last seen the object was moving toward the northwest & was some 40 degrees above the horizon. B could see what appeared to be a dark band or rim around the center of the object. The UFO was aluminum in color & reflected the diffused sunlight. An antenna is visible at the top of the rear section. “The object was stable during flight. After the object disappeared the observer paced the distance from the point of observation to the area where it had ascended, the distance was about 300 feet. He estimated the diameter at 25 feet, with a thickness of 8 feet. About 15 minutes after the object disappeared, two F-104's flew over the area at very low altitude, they made one pass, flying toward the southeast. These aircraft were also seen by others in the area. 45 minutes after the incident, a single engine aircraft flew over the area from the northeast toward the southwest, it was not a military aircraft. The fire resulted in about $600.00 damage to the tent & equipment, B claimed.

“B stated that he always carried a camera around his neck while hunting in hopes of photographing a deer. The camera used was an Argoflex 620 twin lens. The main lens is an Argus Coated Verex, 75 mm f/4.5 Anastigmat. Shutter speeds from time to 1/200 second. Apertures f/4.5. f/6.3, f/9, f/12.7, f/18. Witness stated that he probably used a shutter speed of 1/50 second & an aperture of f/8 (which would be f/9). If the camera was focused at infinity (he said, he usually left the focus there in case he should see a deer & could grab a quick photo) the depth of field would be 41' to infinity. 

“The witness let Allen take the negatives to Northwestern University where it was examined & appeared to be normal in every respect. 

“Astronomical Data: Sun transit at 11h59 m, Az 149d, Alt 26d11 m N.
Weather Data: High scattered clouds, mostly thin, wind NNW at 5 to 10 mph, temperature at 1000 was 37d.” 

It was indeed a fascinating and compelling case and the beginnings a decades long focus on UFO “physical trace” cases for Ted Phillips.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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