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The Alien. United States

ID #1633530320
Added Wed, 06/10/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
Санкт-Петербург, FL
United States

Karin Austin

I was born in St. Petersburg, Florida. When I was about three years old, I was woken up by several creatures; they were very friendly. I tried to call my mom to show her, but I watched them leave through my closed window before she entered my room. Another time I was playing outside with a chewing gum machine that my mom's friend had just given me. Then I suddenly found myself running into the house without a device for making chewing gum. We never found him.

Many years later, during a hypnosis session, I easily remembered how I was playing outside with a chewing gum machine when a glowing egg-shaped object appeared. Two gray creatures with big black eyes came out of it and asked me to go with them. They ushered me into a kind of shimmering room with curved walls, clinically white and hazy. I found myself standing in front of a boy who was a little older than me.

There were creatures on either side of him. He spoke with a Scottish accent. The creatures asked if I was willing to share my gum machine with him. I agreed. They flew away, and I was returned home. I ran into the house to tell my mom, but I couldn't immediately remember what I wanted to share with her. Part of my memory has been erased.

At the age of 25, I "woke up" one night from a terrible experience that did not quite meet the definition of sleep. I found myself on the edge of a forest clearing, next to about 50 other people, all in different night clothes. I could see an old wooden roller coaster partially blocked by trees.

There were also several skinny little creatures who led the meeting. I watched as one of the creatures came up to me. From a distance, she looked like she could be human, and there was a lower being with her, like a child. When she stopped in front of me, I realized that he didn't look quite human.

The taller being, obviously a kind of educator, didn't look completely human either. In shock, I realized that I was interacting with some kind of hybrid alien and human life form. The adult educator kept pushing the boy, this hybrid, towards me. I continued to resist, insisting on the mistake. (Last year I had my tubes bandaged after I decided not to have children.) Finally, I realized that she was telling me that this baby was mine.

I blacked out. The next second I was sitting up straight in bed, severely dehydrated. I rushed into the kitchen and drank a gallon of milk. Then I found myself checking my body for traces. I realized that my behavior was strange. My fiance thought it was a dream, but it seemed real.

The next night we watched TV and Whitley Streiber's Communion was on. In the film, two children run along a path to a flying saucer over a lake. The children suddenly stopped and turned around. I instantly screamed and climbed onto the back of the sofa, completely shocked. They looked exactly like the hybrids I had seen in my dream the night before!

Many years after I met John Mack, he was writing the foreword to Jim Sparks' book The Guardians: An Alien Message for the Human Race. I accidentally saw an illustration that was drawn for this. It was the same forest in which I was in the clearing, with a roller coaster in the background! Jim was clearly present during the same meeting, but was obviously in a different location in the woods.

When Laurel Chiten released the documentary "Survivors," a guy from Canada approached Laurel, and she connected him with me. He grew up in Scotland. He told about an incident that happened while playing in the forest as a child.

Two non-human beings took him to a white foggy room with curved walls, where he was introduced to a young girl who agreed to give him a machine for making chewing gum. Apparently, he later came out of the woods without remembering how he got it. He told me that he had kept it for a long time. Stunned, I asked if he still had it. He said he got rid of her when he moved abroad.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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