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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Land creatures. United States

ID #1623864437
Added Wed, 16/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
между Чикорой и Ист-Брейди, PA
United States

A local businessman was driving along the road when, about a quarter of a mile away, he noticed something in the grass to the right. At first he thought it was a deer. The driver stepped on the gas pedal to get a closer look. 

From about 50 yards (45 m) away, he noticed something that seemed to hunch over and then stand up. Then the driver noticed a very tall, muscular creature. At that moment, the driver turned on the high beam and watched as the creature walked in front of a yellow reflective road sign, then crossed the two-lane road in three long strides and continued on into the forest area. 

He saw a humanoid figure at least 8 feet (2.4 m) tall that seemed to have smooth skin, similar to skin that was either a darker brown or a light brown color. The creature never looked at the witness, but was observed only from the side. The head was flat in the front and rounded. 

"At the top of the skull, it looked like one of those aerodynamic helmets. The top wasn't quite sharp, but it looked like a ridge on top of the head." 

The face was flat, and the eyes were not clearly defined, but the man thought they might have been pointed at a corner. The ear, which was seen on the left side, was long and flat, rising up and back, and pointing back like a flap. The arms were muscular and slightly longer than a human's. The hands were more like claws, but the number of fingers was unclear. One physical trait that stood out was the extremely muscular legs. 

The witness said it was difficult to explain, but the legs didn't move like a human's and "looked like they were bent backwards. The witness also saw what appeared to be wings on his back, which were tucked into his body, with the tips of the wings extending towards his head. 

During the observation, which is estimated to have lasted about 7-8 seconds, no unusual sounds or smells were observed. When the motorist approached the place where the creature entered the forest, it was no longer visible.

The next day, the witness decided to drive back to the meeting place to find any evidence. The ground conditions were not suitable for the tracks, and nothing was found. However, the witness measured the road sign in front of which the creature was walking. The sign was just over 8 feet (2.4 m) tall, and the creature's head was estimated to be 4 inches (10.16 cm) taller than the sign.

Original news

Date:   March 18 2011  
Location:   Between Chicora and East Brady, Butler County, Pennsylvania
Time:   early morning
Summary:  A local businessman was driving down the road when from about a quarter a mile away he observed something on the right side in a grassy area. He first thought that it was a deer. The driver stepped on the gas to move closer to get a better view. From about 50 yards away, he observed something that appeared to be hunched down, and then stood up. The driver then observed a very tall muscular creature. At this point the driver had his high beams on and watched as the creature walked in front of a yellow reflective road sign, then crossed the two lane road in three long steps and continued into a wooded area. What he saw was a humanoid figure that stood at least 8 feet tall that appeared to have smooth leather-like skin that was of either a darker tan or light brown color. The creature never looked at the witness, and was only observed from its side. The head appeared to be flat in the front section, and the rounded out. “At the top back of skull, it was like one of those aerodynamic helmets. The top was not quite a point, but looked like a ridge on top of the head.” The face was flat, and the eyes were not clearly defined, but the man thought that they might have been pointed in the corner. The ear that was observed on the left side was long and flat, and came up and back and was pointed backwards like a flap. The arms were muscular and a little longer than that of a human. The hands looked more like a claw, but the number of fingers was unclear. One physical trait that stood out was the extremely muscular legs. The witness stated that it was hard to explain, but the legs did not move like that of a human, and “looked like they bent backwards.” The witness also saw what appeared to be wings on its back which were tucked into its body, with the wing tips extending toward the side of its head. No unusual sounds or smells were noticed during the observation which was estimated to have been about 7-8 seconds. As the motorist approached the location where the creature entered the woods, it could no longer be seen.
The next day the witness decided to drive back to the location of the encounter to look for any evidence. The ground conditions were not suitable for tracks and nothing was found. The witness did, however, measure the road sign that the creature had walked in front of. The sign was just over 8 ft high, and the head of the creature was estimated to have reached about 4 inches above the sign.
Source:  Stan Gordon


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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