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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Flying creatures. United States

ID #1623776695
Added Tue, 15/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
16.07.2006 12:00
Маунт Вашингтон, KY
United States

The 16-year-old witness was walking through a wooded area near his home, known in his neighborhood as "The Waterfall" because the river that flowed through the forest had a fairly large waterfall about a quarter of a mile from the entrance. He was going to play in the woods for a few hours before returning home.

When he came to the waterfall and looked down from its top, he saw a figure the size of a man, and judging from it at a distance that was between 150 and 170 feet (45-51 m), it seemed that it was wearing some form of clothing. His first guess was that someone had come to the forest to work on removing some of the popular stones. But on closer inspection, it turned out that the figure was studying the landscape and not paying attention to anything else. At the time, he was squatting and looking in the opposite direction from the witness, so he could not accurately estimate his height. 

The only way for a witness to get a closer look at what they saw is either to walk around the waterfall through the forest, or to walk down the edge of the waterfall itself and look at it from the current ground level. As he prepared to descend, he took one last look at the figure to make sure it wasn't going anywhere, only to see it turn its head in his direction. That's when he froze. 

He was a man with a square jaw and broad shoulders, but his eyes were really strange. They were an almost luminous greenish color. Even from a distance, he could make them out quite clearly, and they seemed to have no discernible pupil. 

After a moment, the two look at each other, from which the witness realized that he was wearing what looked like a brown poncho and seemed to be hiding his hands inside the clothes, the figure stood up, gave him what he can only describe as a grin or a grin, before turning around and calmly walking to the first bend of the river after the waterfall. Knowing that he would lose sight of the humanoid after it rounded a bend, the witness came to his senses and almost fell off a rocky cliff in his haste to reach the valley floor and chase the creature. 

As soon as it hit the ground, it almost ran to catch up with the creature before it could disappear behind a rock that the river skirted around. The creature lost his sight for just a second when it went over the cliff and was just 10 feet (3 m) away from the witness who lost sight of it. As soon as he turned the bend himself, he expected to still see the creature walking along the river, but was surprised to see a creature at least 50 feet (15 m) away from its location running along the surface of the river. It made almost no splash with each step on the surface of the river. 

Shortly after he lost sight of the creature, a witness spotted something through the treetops. It was something large that flew over the trees, and was larger than any bird found in the eastern region of the United States. 

Through the trees, he could only catch a glimpse of the creature, but he could tell that it was feathered like a bird, had the general shape of a bird, and even made a sound that seemed remarkably similar to an eagle. But it wasn't a bird, it had a long reptilian-like tail swaying behind it, the wingspan was about 20 feet (6 m) across, and the body looked to be about 5 to 6 feet (1.5-1.8 m) long. The bird-like creature circled the general area of the waterfall about three or four times before flying off in a northwest direction over the treetops and soon disappearing from view.

Original news

Date: Mt. Washington, Kentucky
Location: July 16 2006
Time: afternoon
Summary: The 16-year old witness was walking through a wooded area near his house known around his neighborhood as “The Falls” because the river that ran through the woods had a rather large waterfall about a quarter of a mile back from the entrance. He was going to play around in the woods for a few hours before returning home. When he got to the waterfall and looked down from the top of it he saw a figure about the size of a man, and from he could tell from the distance, which was about 150 to 170 feet, it appeared to have some form of clothing on. His first assumption was that it was somebody who had come into the woods to work on removing some of the popular rocks. But upon closer inspection, the figure appeared to be studying the landscape and not really paying attention to anything else. It was crouched down and facing away from the witness at the time, so he couldn’t get an accurate estimate of its height. The only way for the witness to get a closer look at what he was seeing was to either go around the waterfall through the woods or to climb down the side of the waterfall itself and get a look at it from its current ground level. As he was about to start climbing down, he looked at the figure one last time to make sure it wasn’t going anywhere, only to see it turning its head in his direction. That’s when he froze. It appeared to be a male, with a square jaw and broad shoulders, but the eyes were really weird. They were almost a glowing greenish color. Even from the distance he could seem them rather clearly, and they didn’t seem to have any discernable pupil. After a moment of the two examining each other, from which the witness gathered that it was wearing something similar to a brownish poncho and seemed to be hiding its arms inside of the garment, the figure stood up, gave him what he can only describe as a grin or smirk before turning around and calmly walking toward the first bend in the river after the waterfall. Knowing that he would loose sight of the humanoid after it rounded the bend, the witness came to his senses and nearly fell down the rocky cliff in his hurry to get to the valley floor and pursue the creature. Once he hit the ground he took off at near sprint in order to catch up this creature before it could disappear behind the cliff that the river bent around. The creature had only left his eyesight for a second when it went behind the cliff and was only about 10 ft away from the witness lost sight of it. As soon as he rounded the bend himself he expected to still see the creature walking alongside the river, but was surprised to see the creature at least 50ft away from his location, running on top of the river water. It was barely causing a splash with each step it took on the river’s surface. Shortly after he lost sight of the creature the witness noticed something through the treetops. It was something large that was flying above the trees and was larger than any bird native to the Eastern region of the United States. Through the trees he was only able to catch a few glimpses of the thing, but could tell it was feathered like a bird, had the overall shape of a bird and even made a sound that seemed remarkably similar to an eagle. But it wasn’t a bird, it had a long almost reptilian looking tail swaying behind it and had a wingspan of about 20ft across and the body looked about 5 to 6 feet long. The bird like creature circled the general area of the waterfall about three or four times before it flew off in a northwestern direction over the treetops and disappeared from view shortly afterwards
Source: Your True Tales—January 2008


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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