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UFO. United States

ID #1623232480
Added Wed, 09/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
11.12.2004 21:50
Форт-Уэрт, TX
United States

The three triangle-shaped lights in the sky west of Fort Worth had completely disappeared. Two were bright white and one was orange. As I was driving west at about 9: 50 p.m. on December 11, 2004, I noticed two bright lights next to each other right ahead, which were getting brighter. The third light was directly between and slightly above the two brighter lights. From my point of view, the three lights formed a sharp triangle.

At first I thought it must be a very large plane approaching in my direction. However, upon further observation, there was absolutely no movement among the three lights. The two brightest lights were brighter than any star in the sky. They stood side by side with each other.

The magnitudes of these two lights were even brighter than the star Sirius (which was in the sky that night in the east), and about as bright as Venus sometimes seems. The two brightest lights were of the same size. These two lights slowly disappeared into nothing for 5-10 seconds, again without moving.

The dimmer third light, which had an orange hue, remained for a few seconds, and then also disappeared. The lights no longer appeared. The sky was clear and only slightly hazy in the north, but the stars were still visible above and around the area where the lights appeared. At the time, I didn't see any clouds in the area, although about an hour earlier that evening, I noticed a few thin clouds in the sky to the east.

I watched the sky for a few minutes after the lights disappeared, and never saw the lights reappear. I was south of Fort Worth, Texas, and north of Crowley, Texas, watching the lights to the west. I couldn't tell how far away the lights were due to the lack of traffic. I've never seen anything like it.

When comparing the lights with the stars in the background, there was an absolute zero movement between them. The two lights were too bright to be stars, and yet they had the stillness of stars. Any plane would have shown signs of movement if they weren't ALL on a course STRAIGHT towards me or very far away. However, the lights went out, neither moving in relation to the stars in the background, nor to each other.

I can't explain or understand what it could be. The lights disappeared completely; a stark contrast to the bright magnitude they had, especially the two brightest lights, just seconds before they disappeared without moving. Many times in the past I have observed aircraft lights that seem to get brighter in magnitude as they approach along the way directly to my location, only to dim as their trajectories change. But in such cases, their movements are always noticeable, and the lights never disappear. Although I was driving at the time, the lights were right in front of me, and I almost stopped watching them because I couldn't take my eyes off them.

While waiting for the lights to appear, I turned my attention to the surrounding stars, and from my point of view, they were located in the region of the constellation Pegasus or below. In this case, my vision was very clear, as I was wearing my corrective lenses at the time, which gives me 20/20 vision. The dimmer, background stars of the lower part of the constellation Pegasus remained perfectly clear.

Original news

Date: December 11 2004
Location: Fort Worth, Texas
Time: 21:50
Summary: Three lights in form of triangle in sky west of Fort Worth disappeared completely. Two were brilliant white & one orange. As I was driving west-bound at approximately 9:50pm, December 11, 2004, I noticed two bright lights next to each other straight ahead that were increasingly getting brighter. A third light was directly between and a little above to two brighter lights. The three lights were in a formation of an acute triangle from my perspective. At first I thought it must be a very large aircraft approaching in my direction. However, upon further observation, there was absolutely no movement among the three lights. The two brightest lights were brighter in magnitude than any star in the sky. They were exactly side-by-side of each other. The magnitudes of those two lights were even brighter than the star Sirius (which was in the sky that night to the east) and about as bright as Venus sometimes appears. The two brightest lights had an equal magnitude. Those two lights slowly faded to nothing over a span of about 5 to 10 seconds, again with no movement. The dimmer third light, which had an orange tint, remained for a few seconds then faded to nothing as well. The lights never reappeared. The sky was clear and only slightly hazy to the north, but stars were still visible above and around the area in which the lights appeared. I saw no clouds in the area at the time, although I had observed a few thin clouds in the sky to the east about an hour earlier that evening. I observed the sky for several minutes after the lights disappeared and never saw a reemergence of the lights. My located was south of Fort Worth, TX and north of Crowley, TX while observing the lights to the west. I could not tell how far away the lights were due to the lack of movement. I have never seen a sight of this nature. When referencing the lights against the stars in the background, there was absolute zero movement among them. Two of the lights were too bright to be stars; yet they had the stillness of stars. Any aircraft would show evidence of movement unless they were ALL on a course DIRECTLY toward me or extremely far away. However, the lights faded off with no movement, either in reference to the background stars, or each other. I cannot explain or understand what they could have been. The lights completely disappeared; a sharp contrast to the bright magnitude they had, especially the two brightest lights, just seconds before they faded to nothing without movement. Many times in the past, I have observed aircraft lights which seem to get brighter in magnitude as they approach in a path directly towards my location, only to dim as their paths change. But their movements are always apparent in such cases and the lights never disappear. Although I was driving at the time, the lights were directly ahead of me and I had slowed down to nearly a stop observing them because I could not get my eyes off of them. While waiting for the lights to reappear I took note of the surrounding stars and, from my perspective, they were located in or below the region of the constellation Pegasus. My vision was very clear in this case since I was wearing my corrective lenses at the time, which gives me a vision of 20/20. The dimmer, background stars of the lower portion of the Pegasus constellation remained quite clear.
Source: Davenport, Peter


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