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UFO. United States

ID #1623171869
Added Tue, 08/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
08.12.2004 19:30
Серфсайд-Бич, SC
United States

On December 8, from the porch of our beach house, our first sighting occurred at about 19: 30 just below and to the right of the belt of the constellation Orion, probably about 20 degrees above the horizon. 

There were three orange lights aligned horizontally, and the fourth light was right under the middle light. These lights appeared to be spherical and larger than the Mars we see. They appeared for 1-2 seconds, flashed two or three more times, there was a haze around them. 

Then small, blinking white flashes became visible in the large surroundings. At first I thought it was a few tiny planes, but it became obvious that no small plane could follow such erratic courses. It was obvious that a few people had grouped together, flown to the right, and then returned. 

Around this time, I called my daughter to look, because she said that one night she saw an orange light driving home. We watched the plane take off over the ocean from the local airport, heading north, and moments after it turned, the lights reappeared, but in a different shape. 

The first line of about 3 orange lights appeared, which quickly went out, giving way to a similar shape that immediately appeared about 5 degrees below and to the left, and was soon followed by another similar design of lights. After they disappeared, five or six flashes were visible to the naked eye. 

They had no obvious destination or pattern until some of them began to cluster closely together and gravitate toward the center of Orion. 

At first I thought it was the afterburners, then maybe the engines caught fire, but I realized that the configuration was wrong.

Original news

Date: December 8 2004
Location: Surfside Beach, South Carolina
Time: 19:30
Summary: December 8th from the porch of our beachhouse, our first sighting occurred at about 7:30 PM just below and to the right of the belt of the constellation Orion, probably about 20 degrees above the horizon. There were three orange lights aligned horizontally with a fourth light directly beneath the middle light. These lights seemed spherical, and larger than Mars, which is visible. They appeared for 1-2 seconds, flashed two or three more times, and there was haze around them. Then small blinking white strobes were visible in a large surrounding vicinity. I initially thought that these were multiple tiny aircraft, but it became evident that no small aircraft could follow such erratic courses. It was obvious that a few grouped together, flew off to the right, and then returned. About this time i called for my daughter to come look, because she said she had seen an orange light driving home one night. We observed a plane liftoff over the ocean from the local airport, heading North, and a few moments after it turned, the lights reappeared, but with different formations. The first to appear was a line of approximately 3 orange lights, which quickly faded, giving way to a similar shape which immediately appeared about 5 degrees below and to the left, and soon accompanied by another similar construction of lights. After these faded away, there were about five or six strobes visible to the naked eye. They had no obvious destination or pattern until some began to closely group together and gravitate towards the center of Orion. At first I thought they were afterburners, then maybe engines that had caught on fire, but realized that the configuration was wrong. The tiny strobes made me think that it might be a prank, and that the strobes were small aircraft until we noticed the erratic pattern.
Source: Davenport, Peter


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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