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UFO. United States

ID #1623168310
Added Tue, 08/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
04.12.2004 20:30
Берлингтон, IN
United States

Flashes of orange color followed by the appearance of objects.

Last Friday, December 3, 2004, I was driving to Kokomo, Indiana, from Lafayette, Indiana. As I was heading east on State Road 26 at approximately 8: 30 p.m., give or take 15 minutes, an orange flash of light caught my peripheral vision. The night was clear, and there were no clouds. 

I saw an orange light, at first like a dim star, which increased in size or intensity to about four times the size and brightness of Venus. Then, it seems, another light grew up next to this in the same way, about 10 hours from the original position of the object. Then the first object disappeared, and then the second. This happened for 10-20 seconds. 

After this happened, I noticed that the two objects remaining at an equal distance surround the area. From my position facing east, they started at the eleven o'clock position and moved to the two o'clock position. and then again from left to right. Vertically, if the ground is at an angle of 90 degrees and the straight line is zero degrees, they were at an angle of about 50 degrees up. 

I have no experience in estimating distance, so this is the only way to explain it, hope it helps! When these two objects returned to the position in which I initially noticed them, I noticed several more objects, I think three. They converged in one central region of the sky. 

At this point, I pulled off the road to take a closer look at them at the intersection of State Road # 26 and State Road #29. I observed the same appearance of orange lights that I described earlier. Every time I witnessed this, I observed a different object. At the moment, there were seven of them. They flew in all directions across the sky, but circled north of State Road 26. Their brightness was about half that of Venus. 

Sometimes they flew fast, while others seemed to maintain their position. The objects themselves flashed white, but intermittently. That's why I was so interested in them, I've never seen such an airplane. The two objects, which were kept at the same distance from each other as I described earlier, seemed to flash in front of each other. 

One of them will flash several times with different durations, one short flash followed by a long one, at seemingly random intervals. Then the other one will start flashing just like the original ended. It reminded me of the light on a broadband modem when the computer connects to the internet.

Once upon a time, seven objects were flying in random directions, and one flew directly over my position. I can't judge the altitude, but it wasn't as high as those airliners you can see at night... probably doesn't help. it was the size of Venus in the sky, but it wasn't as bright. The object above me seemed to be a triangle, though it was hard to tell. There were three red areas on it, like the tips of a triangle. the outer dots were the brightest, fading to black in the center. 

It resembled a piece of metal when the burner was held on one side until it became red-hot, moving to the opposite, colder edge. The objects maintained their seemingly random flight paths and then fell in a line, heading southwest at an incredible speed from my position at the intersection. They would have flashes of light that became more uniform at intervals instead of the random flashes that were earlier and then accelerated across the sky. 

I called my brother to look out of the house (Romney, Indiana) to see if he could see them. He looked east of our house half a mile from US 231 and saw them. He reported that they were moving at an incredible speed, and said that he saw one of them very quickly burst into flames and took off. They headed south, out of sight.

Original news

Date: December 4 2004
Location: Burlington, Indiana
Time: 20:30
Summary: Orange flashes followed by appearance of objects –
Last Friday, Decemeber 3rd, 2004, I was driving to Kokomo, Indiana from Lafayette, Indiana. While heading eastbound on State Road 26 at around 8:30 pm, give or take about 15 minutes, an orange burst of light caught my attention in my peripheral vision. The night was clear, there were no clouds. I saw an orange light, at first like a dim star, which grew in size or intensity to about four times the size and brightness of Venus. Then another light seemed to grow near this one in the same manner, at about 10 o’clock the original objects position. Then the first object faded out followed by the second. This took place over a 10-20 second period. After this happened, I noticed two objects remaining equidistant circle the area. From my position facing east, they started at the eleven o’clock position and moved to the two o’clock position, and then back again, from left to right. Vertically, if the ground is at 90 degrees and straight up is zero degrees, they were at about 50 degrees up. I have no experience judging distance so this is the only way I can relate it, I hop it helps! Once these two objects returned to the position I originally noticed them, I noticed several other objects, three, I believe. They converged in one central area of the sky. At this point I pulled off the road to watch them more closely at the state road 26 and state road 29 intersection. I observed the same appearance of the orange lights that I described earlier. Each time I witnessed that, I observed another object. They totalled seven at this point. They were flying in all directions in the sky, but circling to the north of 26. They were about one half the brightness of venus. At some times they were flying quickly while others seemed to maintain position. The objects themselves flashed white, but intermittently. This is why I was so interested in them, never seeing an airplane like that. The two objects that were keeping the same distance between them as I described earlier seemed to be flashing at eachother. One would flash several times, for different durations, a quick flash followed by a long, at a seemingly random interval. Then the other would start flashing just as the original ended. It reminded me of the lights on a broadband modem, when the computer is connecting to the internet. Once there were seven objects all flying in random directions one flew directly over my position. I can’t judge the altitude of it, but it wasn’t as high as those jet liners that are seen at night… probably not helping. it was about the size of venus in the sky, but not as bright. The object that flew over me appeared to by triangular, although that was hard to judge. It had three red areas, that looked like the tips of a triangle. the outer points were the brightest, fading into black at the center. It resembled a peice of metal when a torch is held on one side until it gets red hot, fading into the opposite, cooler edge. The objects maintained their seemingly random flight paths and then fell in line heading southwest at an incredible rate of speed from my position at the intersection . They would have bursts of light that became more uniform in interval instead of the random flashes from earlier, and then accelerated across the sky. I phoned my brother to look outside at home (romney, indiana) to look outside to see if he could see them. He looked east from our house half a mile from US 231 and he saw them. He reported that they were moving at an unbelievable speed and reported that he saw one start flashing really quick and take off. They headed south out of sight.
Source: Davenport, Peter


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