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UFO. United States

ID #1622820361
Added Fri, 04/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
24.11.2004 00:00
Уинтер Гарден, FL
United States

Working in a field in Wintergarden, Florida, at about midnight, four of us were finishing our field work. As we approached the entrance to the field, we noticed about three objects in the sky. The sky was extremely black.

The nearest buildings to the field had to be at least 5 miles away in any direction. The objects were moving very fast with a flash of purple-white light. The objects started out in the shape of a ball, and as they passed us, they smoothed out a little. 

As they passed us, there was a soft humming sound in the air, but it wasn't enough to be heard. 

I think they were somewhere at an altitude of a thousand feet (300 m). They flew out and up and then disappeared into the black sky, everyone who saw it with me asked everyone if they saw the same thing, everyone was a little excited to say the least, but the objects never stopped, but the fact that the sound was almost nothing, we were very excited. It was very interesting for all of us.

 I'm only 18 years old, and what I saw wasn't a joke, wasn't some government thing, what I saw, what we saw, looked like something just passing by. 

The strangest thing was that our radio became blurry, and the truck seemed to have to go faster than slower than anywhere else as the objects flew by.

Original news

Date: November 24 2004
Location: Winter Garden, Florida
Time: 00:00
Summary: Working inside a field in Wintergarden Florida aprox Midnight four of us were finishing up field work. As we approached the exit gate to the field we noticed approx three objects in the sky. The sky was extremely black closest buildings to the field had to be at least 5 miles or so away in any direction. The objects were moving extremely quick with a burst of purplish – white light. The objects started out kind of ball shaped as they passed us they flattened out a bit. There was a quiet humming sound in the air as they passed us but hardly loud enough to hear. They must have been about maybe 1,000 feet up I guess. they flew out and up and then vanished against the black sky, everyone that saw it with me asked everyone else if they saw the same thing , everyone was a little weirded out to say the least , but the objects never stopped , but the fact that sound was almost nothing really worked us up . It was pretty exciting to all of us. Im only 18 years old , and what I saw was not a joke , was not some Goverment thing , what I saw, waht we saw looked like something just passing through. The weirdest thing that happened was our radio got fuzzy and the truck seemed to was to go faster then slower then no where as the objects passed over
Source: Davenport, Peter


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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