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Wandering Fire. United States

ID #1622815575
Added Fri, 04/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Айрон-Маунтин, MI
United States

12 years ago, I was with my older brother (I was 19 at the time) when we experienced this light, which I continue to think about regularly. We were at the end of a dirt road that is one of the corners of a large cow field around this area (up in Michigan). We were standing outside, just watching with our binoculars, which we did quite regularly. 

I remember a light coming on in the trees opposite the side of the field, maybe 25 or 30 yards away. By this time it was already dark, and my first thought was a flashlight, as this light appeared a few feet from the ground. The size was about the size of a soccer ball, and it was the best I can describe what the color of the flashlight would look like after dark. 

This was my initial thought and only my initial thought, as I moderately shouted "Hello" 2 times before realizing several things at once. There was absolutely no projected light from this solid 360-degree round ball. It was also autumn, and it was impossible to take a step at night without the leaves giving you away. It was quiet, not to mention that the steps he took weren't made by a human. 

I look at my brother when I realize what's going on. There was an unmistakable look of horror on his face, and I remember that it was at that moment that I froze in shock. The light fell directly on us, slowly hovering for what seemed like an eternity to reach us. I mean, this light appeared on us on purpose and took many steps so that we could see clearly. So, this light is finally making its way to a hole in the trees that, I'm kidding, can't be 10 feet (3m) away from our faces! It hovered directly over a burm made where there was a hole of about 5 feet (1.5 m) in the tree line. 

When it reached the opening, it stayed there for about 10-15 good seconds, and then suddenly disappeared without a sound. I mean, not a single sound, not even a cricket, when this light appeared. It was amazing, but I'd like to go back for proof. Until I see it, I won't believe it.

Original news

Date:  August 31 2004
Location:   Iron Mountain, Michigan
Summary:  12 years ago I was with my older brother (I was 19 at the time) when we experienced this light that I continue to think about regularly. We were at end of dirt road that is one corner of a good size cow field around this area (u.p. MI). We were outside just watching for bucks with our binos which we did somewhat regularly. I remember seeing a light appear maybe 25 30 yards in trees opposite side road of field. By this point it was dark and my first thought was flashlight since this light appeared few feet of the ground. The size was about a soccer ball and was the best i can describe the color of what a flashlight would appear after dark. Now this was my initial thought and initial thought only as I has yelled moderately Hello 2 times before realizing a few things at once. There’s was absolutely zero projected light from this solid round 360 degree ball of light. It was also fall and u cant take a step at night without leaves giving you away. It was silent, not to mention the moves this made was no man made light. I look at my brother as I realize what is happening. He has sheer terror on his face and i recall this is the point i froze in shock. The light was coming directly at us slowly hovering in what seemed like forever to get to us. I mean this light appeared on us on purpose and made many moves to get to a clear view of us. So this light finally makes it way to an opening in trees which is I kid you not maybe 10 feet from our faces! It was hovering directly above a burm made where there the was maybe a 5 foot opening in tree line. After getting to opening it stayed there for what seemed like 10 or 15 good seconds then suddenly disappeared without a sound. I mean not a single sound not even a cricket when this light appeared. It was amazing, yet I wish I would have went back for proof. Seeing is believing.
Source:  MUFON


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Rocket launches (from space.skyrocket.de)

  • Site: () Vehicle: Atlas-2AS Payload: Quasar 15 (SDS-3 3, USA 179, NROL 1)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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