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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1622808381
Added Fri, 04/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Маршфилд, WI
United States

"We were outside in the late afternoon, feeding the horses and showing the horse to a couple who had stopped," the witness said. "It was a dark, overcast day, and it looked like a storm was waiting for us. The clouds were very low and dark. All four of them were standing next to the barn, my wife and the couple were looking at me, and I was looking at them (to the south)." 

The witness was asked a question, but he stopped in mid-sentence because of what he saw in the sky. 

"I saw a large metal object very slowly emerge from a low cloud behind the three people I was talking to." 

The witness eventually told the group what he had just seen, but no one seemed to believe him. 

After about 10 minutes, the conversation was still going on, but this time my wife and the couple were the ones looking south, when suddenly all three of them said, here it is, and pointed over my shoulder. The witness turned around, but the object had already slid back into the cloud. 

"The UFO was shaped like a disk and reminded me of polished metal, with no windows, doors, lights, or anything else other than a metal disk. It made no noise. He moved very smoothly and unhurriedly." 

The witness has aerial photography experience and understands how to determine altitude. 

"This object could not have been higher than 200 or 300 feet (60-90 m) and was very clearly visible to me. I immediately realized that this was not something ordinary. It left me with a very eerie, nervous feeling that I wasn't just being watched, but that, at least for those few minutes, I was being watched in some strange way and on some level that I had never felt before."

Original news

Date:  August  2004
Location:   about five miles southeast of Marshfield, Wisconsin 
Summary:  “We were outside in the late afternoon feeding horses and showing a horse to a couple who stopped by,” the witness stated.“It was a dark, cloudy day and it looked like we were going to get a storm. Clouds were very low and dark. All four of us were standing next to the barn, my wife and the couple facing me, me facing them (south).” The witness was asked a question, but stopped in mid-sentence because of what he was seeing in the sky. “I saw a large metallic object very slowly emerge from a low cloud behind the three people I was talking to.” The witness eventually told the group what he had just seen, but no one seemed to believe him. “About 10 minutes later the conversation was still going on, but this time my wife and the couple were the ones facing south, when all of a sudden all three of them said, there it is and pointed over my shoulder.” The witness turned around, but the object had already slipped back into the cloud. “The UFO was disc-shaped and looked to me a bit like brushed metal, no windows, doors, lights or anything other than a metallic disc. It made no noise. It moved very smoothly and deliberately.” The witness has an aerial photography background and understands how to judge altitude. “This object could not have been more than 200 or 300 feet up and was very clearly visible to me. I knew instantly that this was not something ordinary. It left me with a very eerie, nervous feeling that I was not just being watched, but that at least for those few minutes I was being watched in some weird way and on some kind of level that I do not ever recall feeling before.”
Source:  MUFON  Case 73582


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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