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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1622134629
Added Thu, 27/05/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Ист-Лансинг, MI
United States

Two students, Jack Wright and Janice Stryker, were crossing their college campus after leaving a party when a bright beam of light suddenly appeared out of nowhere and blocked their path. It looked like a hologram of an elevator shaft. 

Before they could react, they were sucked into the shaft and transported to the floating ship. Veronica's next memory was of lying naked, as if floating in the air. The strange creatures, described as short, with gray skin, elongated heads, large black eyes, and no hair, did not move around her. 

She noticed Jack lying next to her, who was also being investigated by the aliens. Wright remembers being naked, with strange creatures shining a bright light into his eyes. He was poked and prodded. 

The creatures touched his genitals, and he felt something being inserted through the head of his penis. He couldn't move as the creatures had obviously pulled something out of his anus. The same was true of Veronica next to him. He remembered seeing flat disks the size of saucers balanced on Belmont's chest. When they were in place, wrapped around her chest, they were vacuum-molded and appear to inflate. One of the creatures inserted a three-fingered hand into her vagina. At that moment, several other creatures entered the room, who seemed to be watching the procedures. 

According to both witnesses, their bodies were positioned in such a way that they were pushed and forced to perform a sexual act. Belmont recalled seeing an instrument she called a "light stick" being held all over her body from head to toe. Then several aliens arrived and continued to explore her vagina. Suddenly, both witnesses were in the same place, fully clothed. 

Both confused and confused, they hugged and walked back to Belmont's apartment.

Original news

Location. East Lansing, Michigan
Date: March 18 2001
Time: night
Two students, Jack Wright and Janice Stryker were crossing their college campus after leaving a party when a bright shaft of light suddenly appeared out of nowhere and blocked their path. It resembled a hologram of an elevator shaft. Before they could react they were sucked into the shaft and transported into a hovering craft. Veronica’s next recollection was of lying naked, seemingly floating in mid-air. Strange beings, described as short with gray skin, elongated heads, large black eyes and no hair were moving around her. She noticed Jack lying next to her and also being probed by the aliens. Wright recalls being naked and the strange beings shining a bright light into his eyes. He was being poked and prodded. The beings touched his genitals and he felt something being inserted through the head of his penis. He was unable to move as the beings apparently pulled something out of his anus. Veronica was being treated the same way next to him. He recalled seeing flat discs about the size of saucers being balanced on Belmont’s breasts. Once they were in place, wrapped around her breasts they were vacuum molded and appear to inflate. One of the beings inserted a three-fingered hand into her vagina. At this point several more beings entered the room and appeared to observe the procedures. According to both witnesses their bodies were positioned in a way that they were pushed and forced to perform intercourse. Belmont remembered seeing an instrument she dubbed a “light wand” being passed over her entire body form head to toe. Several aliens then arrived and continued to examine her vagina. Suddenly both witnesses found themselves standing in the same spot, fully clothed. Both were disoriented and confused, they embraced and walked back to Belmont’s apartment.
Source: CERC, Maine


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information

Rocket launches (from space.skyrocket.de)

  • Site: Sea Launch Platform, Pacific Ocean near Kiritimati (Christmas Island) (International) Vehicle: Zenit-3SL (1) Payload: XM 2 (XM Rock)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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