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UFO. United States

ID #1617539661
Added Sun, 04/04/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Туларос, NM
United States

I was on my way to a store in Alamogordo, New York. Until we stopped at the corner of Rattlesnake Rd.As I entered US 54-70, I saw the ignition of the first test launch accelerator at Holloman AFB.

It was a high-speed test track. Almost at the point where the sledge began to move, an object appeared from the left flank of the test, but a little behind. The object exploded, turning into a large purple ball. It was from 13 miles away. The plume of the test sled formed a cone about the size of a pencil eraser, and at arm's length the crown ball was proportionally as large.

The ball followed the sled down the track for a few moments and then followed it from the side for one or two moments, then when the second push of the sled came, the ball followed in front of the sled for a few moments. By the time the sled reached what is known as the midway (data collection point), the object had changed direction from a parallel path to a direction heading almost directly to where my intersection was.

At this point in its journey, it was slightly faster than the test sled, but when changing direction, it also accelerated to a speed that was faster than a bullet. I really wanted to see what the core of the object looks like. All that's left are the heat risers from the sidewalk in front of me.

I equate this to a stream of water that moves gently and a stone is thrown at it, or you look at the image in the mirror, and the glass of the mirror taps, and the image disintegrates. It was well into the afternoon, and I was looking west, and the heat risers were quite noticeable. The object flew so fast that when I turned to look to the northeast, I couldn't see anything. Almost a year later, a friend gave me a report from an investigator in Alamogordo that matched both the time and the situation.

He explained that the disc was seen behind a place called Round Mountain east of Tularosa, where people coming from the race track in Ruidoso would pull over to the side of the road to look at the disc. At this point, the disk disappeared. This filled in a lot of gaps for me. They were spying on the trial.

Original news

Date: July 31 1998
Location:  Tularosa, New Mexico
Summary:  I was on my way to the store in Alamogordo NM. While stopped at the corner of Rattlesnake Rd.to enter US 54-70, I saw the ignition of the first booster of the start of a test at Holloman AFB.Hi speed test track. Almost at the point where the sled started to move, an object popped up from the left flank of the test,but behind slightly. The object exploded to a larger magenta like coronal ball. This was from a distance of 13 miles. The plume of the test sled formed a cone of about the size of a pencil eraser at arms length the ball of the corona was proportionally as large. The ball followed the sled down the track for a couple of moments and then followed it on the side for a moment or two then as the sled second thrust came on, the ball followed in front of the sled for a few moments. By the time the sled got to what is known as the midway (data collection site) the object changed direction from paralleling the track, to a direction aiming almost directly at where my intersection was. At this point of its path it was slightly faster than the test sled, but on changing direction it also accelerated to a velocity that was faster than a bullet. I had really wanted to see what the core of the object looked like. All that was left were the heat risers off of the pavement in front of me. I equate that to a stream of water moving gently and having a stone thrown in or looking at an image in a mirror and having the glass of the mirror tapped and the image breaks up. This was late in the afternoon and I was looking to the west and the heat risers were quite pronounced. the object passed so fast that when I turned to look to the north north east, I saw nothing. It was almost a year later that a friend passed along a report from an investigator from Alamogordo that fit both in time and situation. He explained that a disc had been seen behind a place called Round mountain east of Tularosa NM, where people coming from the race track in Ruidoso pulled over to the side of the road to watch the disc. suddenly a bunch of probes or drones from all over the Tularosa basin came together and attached to the disc. At this point the disc departed. This filled in a lot of blanks for me. They were spying on the test.
Source:  MUFON


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