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UFO. United States

ID #1611934179
Added Fri, 29/01/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
округ Салливан
United States

Sullivan County, Tennessee, July 1989 

Kim Shaffer writes: I interviewed two witnesses today. One is an elderly woman, the other is her son. These witnesses told me about an observation that took place in the summer, in July 1989.

The two witnesses were sitting under the edge of the carport enjoying a pleasant night, and it was about midnight. One witness (son) noticed a very large and burning object moving directly towards them and very low over the horizon. Both witnesses began to watch as the object slowly flew overhead. Separately, they described the object as almost wing-like and slightly pushed back at its extreme ends.

The shape was described as wing-shaped, with a side of 8X1 (8-width). It was seen that the object is burning strongly and "exudes fire", very similar to burning plastic. 

They described that when the object flew overhead, the fire dripped straight down, rather than trailing behind it as it moved, and that it had a relative size equal to their wide-spread arms, exceptionally large.

The object passed them and moved to the southeast, continuing to spew fire, and passed Mount Holston in the distance. At the moment when he disappeared from sight, a deep, strong rumble was heard from the direction of the object. It was noted that the object was moving very slowly, the duration of the observation was agreed by both witnesses and lasted at least one minute, and possibly more.

The star witness called the FAA office at the Tri-City airport and was told there was nothing on the radar. He also called the local sheriff's office, where he was told that a lot of calls had come in and they didn't know what it was.

After checking the cataloged observations for this approximate date, I can't draw any conclusions other than that it must have been a fantastic observation.

Original news

Sullivan County, TN, July 1989
I interviewed two witnesses today. One, an elderly woman and the other, her son. These witnesses related to me a sighting which took place in the summer, July of 1989.

The two witnesses were sitting under the edge of their carport enjoying the pleasant night and it was about midnight. One witness (the son) noted a very large and burning object moving straight at them and very low on the horizon. Both witnesses began watching as the object passed slowly overhead. Separately, they described the object as being almost wing like and slightly swept back on its extreme ends.

Shape was described as alar, with an aspect of 8 X 1, (8 being width)   The object was seen to be burning intensely and “dripping fire”, much like burning plastic. They described that as the object passed overhead, the fire was dripping straight down and not trailing behind it as it moved and that it was of a relative size equal to their arms spread wide, exceptionally large.

The object passed them and moved off to the southeast continuing to drip fire and passed Holston mountain in the distance. The moment it was out of view, a deep intense rumble was heard from the direction of the object. The object was noted to have been moving very slowly, the duration of the sighting agreed to by both witnesses, having lasted at least one minute, possibly more.

The primary witness called the FAA office at tri-city airport and was told that nothing was/had been present on radar. He also called the local Sheriff office where he was told that many calls had came in and that they did not know what it was.

Having checked cataloged sightings for that approximate date, we can arrive at no conclusions except that it must have been a fantastic sighting.

Kim Shaffer

source and references: www.auforc.com


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