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This section contains articles on phenomena or versions that may be interesting or useful to researchers of the unexplained facts in one way or another.

Entities that are outside the visible range

Since ancient times, people believed that there is a world of invisible entities that live in our world. And it was believed that they can be seen only in a certain state of consciousness. With the development of science and technology people have learned that the eyes he sees not everything that happens in his world, but only that which is in the visible frequency range, which occupies only a small part of the scale of electromagnetic waves.

The scale of electromagnetic waves[1]

And he began to hope that perhaps there are hidden and unknown to these creatures. But since the man himself to see them not physically, he called to his aid the technique, the ability to perceive them. The most easily available photos and video.

Theory of photography outside the visible range

In [3] is very well explained theory and practice of photography outside the visible range. Here is a small part of the theory from this source.

The boundaries of the visible (by eye) the range is considered to be ultraviolet UV (380 nm) and infrared (760 nm). All that is behind them, the eye does not distinguish. The retina is actually sensitive to more short-wave area of the spectrum. But the lens and vitreous body protecting her from the relatively "hard" radiation. However, the retina can sense remnants of ultraviolet radiation in fluorescent bluish glow of the lens (re-emission in the longer-wavelength area of the spectrum). In the IR we do not see, because otherwise blinded to their warmth.

Beyond the visible zone of the spectrum of radiation ends. And the mechanisms and principles of optics continue to operate (there are lenses and mirrors). Radars see in the invisible area of the radio range (even longer than IR), and mirror-plate for radio waves everywhere spoil the architectural types. The light sources illuminate in the IR and in the UV range. And in the mountains and the sea without the UV filter does not do, or what is invisible to the eye can significantly affect the images (the sea and in the mountains no smoke, absorbing ultraviolet). Diffused light, haze creates the impression of spatial depth, but if you want a crisp black-and-white photos for distant subjects — put on the orange camera filter.
Area UV conventionally extends to 1 nm and IR up to 1 mm. Atmosphere (ozone, vapor, dust) strongly absorbs and scatters a portion of the range 10-300 nm, and the glass cuts and longer waves, so for photos (no extra sources of light and special lenses) can be used actually only the zone near UV 300-400nm.

The main limitation still photographs. Desencibilizirutaya photosensitive materials sensitive in the range of 350-450 nm, so at the dawn of pictures of nothing but blue color and UV capture was impossible. But in the darkroom when printing, you can use red and green filters and to control the development process visually. For shooting in the infrared range need special photographs. Typically, the IR film require special conditions of storage and use, and the camera body does not have to be transparent for the rays, lightening the IR film.

Shooting in the infrared range, or who are Kittery

Kittery (from the English. creature – creature, thing), – the supposed essential forms of life, structural energy education with low-density, usually invisible to the eye, which can take a variety of forms and provide field impact on real objects. The term proposed by the American scientist D. Constable.

Sometimes referred to as Quitter. Quittera think spontaneously appearing in the pictures and the usual image is not the visible structure, including the human face. Also used the terms: signature of Devas, the etheric substance, and the like. Sometimes coming recorded during poltergeist or after it. [2]

The history of the phenomenon

Even Kenneth Arnold assumed that the observed them in 1947, "flying saucers" are unknown creatures living in the earth's atmosphere, "something like aerial jellyfish". The idea of such creatures was also in the work of Eric Frank Russell (eng. Eric Frank Russell) "Sinister Barrier" (1939) and the story of A. C. Doyle's "the horror of the heights".

In 1955, a certain Countess Zoe cornflower-Saretzki suggested the consideration of hypotheses about atmospheric beings and inhabited by the upper layers of the atmosphere like bubbles of luminous animals, which are cigar-shaped while in flight, the energy they get from the atmosphere.

In 1978 he published a book by Trevor James constable (eng. Trevor J. Constable) "Sky creatures", where he developed the idea that UFOs represent a species only found in the atmosphere single-celled (Kittery) size from a few centimeters to kilometers. These creatures supposedly emit infrared rays, thereby remain invisible. [6]

In the 80-ies of XX century, Bocconi as well as his fellow Romanian Florin Gheorghiu and American Trever J. The constable came to the startling conclusion that the objects we know as a UFO, live in the invisible realm of our physical world and include both classic shape of the "saucers" or "saucers", and various forms of radiant energy, plasma fields and other structures, to classify which is not yet possible.

In order to detect invisible objects, a group of Bocconi used a variety of tools: alpha-, beta-, gamma-loggers, photometers, thermometers, frequency meters, magnetometers. Unexplained deviations in the readings of one or more of the devices pointed to the appearance of unknown objects. For shooting used conventional panchromatic or infrared film with a filter or without, with a more or less prolonged exposure. Repeat: all education, filmed in the dark (with flash or without it) was invisible to the human eye, However, there were auditory or thermal phenomena. But only after the film had been shown, the phenomena were detected, that is, in full splendor.

The team's observations Bocconi was conducted in the area of Arenzano, in a deserted hilly area overlooking the Gulf of Genova. [7]

Photos of Kittery [12] [12] [13]


  • Kittery, living at the earth's surface, similar to the sprites, which is manifested in the upper atmosphere. Sprites is also called the ionosphere or ionospheric haunted by Kittery. The behavior of giant ionospheric ghosts mysterious. Those that are visible within the normal range appear especially during storms or heavy cloud cover. Those that are captured in the infrared spectrum, can occur in a completely clear, cloudless weather. Not understand their effects on aircraft. The case when flying above the cloud layer, the aircraft suddenly appeared in the midst of the sprite, but it does not hurt. [9] For reference. Sprite - a rare lightning. This is a sort of lightning spurting in the mesosphere and thermosphere. Flash in the stratosphere, the mesosphere and the thermosphere, upward, downward and horizontally, poorly studied, divided into sprites, blue jets, and elves tiger. [8]


Sprite [8]


  • Some scientists believe that all these creatures are essential, or of the field form of life that exists on Earth in parallel with the physical. Thus, many properties of the UFO remarkably similar to the properties of Kittery. UFO also can change its shape instantly disappear and reappear. They are in most cases invisible to us and often appear as a bundle of energy and not as solid (and therefore rarely able to detect the UFO on radar screens). The same varieties of field life are ghosts, poltergeists, spirits... it is Impossible to deny the obvious intelligence of all these mysterious creatures. The logic of their actions are often incomprehensible and alien to us. But that's because they are creatures of another, ethereal world in which there are laws of nature. [9]
  • Some believe that critter is the soul. It is assumed that the surface of the planet inhabited by ethereal creatures of small size. But the higher the size of things more, as evidenced by the image of the inhabitants of the ionosphere. There's their sizes reach tens or even hundreds of kilometers. But the real giants of the size, surpassing star systems and even galaxies, are found in deep space. Kittery can master not only the physical bodies of people, but also objects which we call inanimate, giving them a kind of "soul". Even including comets and planets. There is a symbiosis of the critter and other celestial bodies, whereby the latter becomes reasonable. Hence the conclusion: what we call the noosphere. is the aura of the planet, or part of that essential nature which is the spiritual body of the planet.[9]

Shooting in the ultraviolet range or the theory about memory space

Best known researcher of anomalous phenomena, producing shooting in the ultraviolet range, is Henry Silanes. He believes that by accident when trying to improve their equipment for shooting a UFO in 1992, opened a hitherto unknown physical effect, which he called the "phenomenon of memory fields". [10]

Photos of the phenomenon of "memory fields" [11]


G. M. Silanes believes that "Memory fields" exist on the electromagnetic level. Media video is a holographic matrix. Everything that happens to us and around us is being written to the matrix and stored it forever. Thus, perhaps it is not that other, as the information field. [11]


These phenomena, like any opinion, there are pros and cons. On the back side there are a lot of photos, based on which researchers build their hypothesis. Let us now consider the lay side.

Is to replace that doubt the existence of such phenomena are not the only skeptics of the science, but most of the researchers anomalous. The reason for this was that most of the photos of this kind are made happy with simple, and sometimes even improvised equipment for filming. Getting quite a lot of pictures of different entities, researchers face many different difficulties in the process of shooting, manifestation and print. It is therefore not surprising that a large number of the published photos due to different defects of shooting, equipment, consumables, etc.

The question remains – is it possible to take pictures in this range without defects? Will then manifest these entities? As for the shooting outside the visible range – it deals with many contemporary professional photographers using different techniques of shooting and modern quality equipment.

Here are some examples of their work:

Photography in the IR range[4], photography in the UV range [5]

But why are professional photographers involved in the shooting in IR and UV ranges, still don't have flooded the Internet and Newspapers with pictures of the entities? Skeptics-the mystics suggest that such pictures are rejected by the photographers as "poor" and not published. The paranormal investigators also do not deny that publish, not all the pictures, leaving the unexplained for themselves for various reasons (writing, further research, etc.).


Thus, the main problem for research of this phenomenon is the lack of information. To eliminate this factor, first and foremost, you need to find out the presence of unexplained photos from professional photographers involved in the shooting in UV and IR ranges, and paranormal researchers. Only after analyzing the photos it will be possible to draw a conclusion about the presence of the phenomenon.

At this stage the existence of the phenomenon can be considered not confirmed and this question remains open.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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