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The mystical fog. United Kingdom

ID #1574694335
Added Mon, 25/11/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
United Kingdom

15-year-old Frank Earp was playing with two friends near an abandoned channel. He admits that they were looking for UFOs.

After dark stream began to rise the fog. This was not unusual. But then a cloud the size of a car to the fair grounds, separated from him in the shape of a doughnut (without a Central hole). Have anakapalle to them.

Alarmed, they quickly went home, and obviously intelligent cloud pursued them. They all could see it as it shone with a strange light inside.

As they approached the edge of the village, they decided to stay. Frank was instructed to confront the attacker, because now they were close enough to home and could run away if something goes wrong. Frank turned to find the cloud just 20 feet away.

He tried to ask if it was friend or foe, but his words were interrupted by one of his friends, clearly scared kotoryy tapped on the shoulder and said, "When I say run - run!"

He looked into the darkness and understand the cause of this fear. For there stood a 6-foot furry figure, looming in front of the glowing object. Hands, like talons, he grabbed two red "pencil", and his feet propel.

The third boy stood a few inches from the creature. When the other two fled, he called after them, stunned. It was later revealed that, though he almost touched the piece, he didn't see her. But he saw the cloud.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

15-year old Frank Earp was playing with two friends beside a disused canal. He admits that they were looking for UFOs. As darkness came, a mist began to rise from the watercourse. This was not unusual. But then a cloud, the size of a fairground dodgem car detached itself in the shape of a doughnut (without a central hole). It drifted towards them. Becoming disturbed they set off for home, quickly breaking into a trot as the apparently intelligent “cloud” pursued them. They could all see it, glowing inside with a strange luminescence. As they approached the edge of the village they decided to stop. Frank was delegated to confront the intruder for they were now close enough to home and could escape, should anything go wrong. Frank turned to find the cloud just 20 feet away. He tried to ask if it was friend or foe, but his words were cut short by one of his friends, clearly terrified, tapping his shoulder and urging, “When I say run—run!” He looked ahead into the gloom and understood the reason for this fear. For there stood a 6-foot furry figure, silhouetted in front of the glowing object. In claw like hands it gripped two red “pencils” and its legs faded into nothingness. The third boy stood only inches from the creature. As the other two fled he called after them, bemused. It later transpired that although he was almost touching the figure he had not seen it. But he had seen the cloud


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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