ID | #1565103847 |
Added | Tue, 06/08/2019 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Investigation
Initial data
In September 2014, the man was invited in friends. Once in the garden alone, he decided to take a picture. Later, when he looked at the picture, he could see that there were two Ghost characters. To this day he has not found an explanation.
"These photos were taken in September last year near the house of my friends in the backyard. I was alone in his garden when he made a random selfie. I totally brought the door leading into the living room. I have another photo taken shortly before. I caught the Ghost phenomena, which confirm that the photograph is genuine.
I haven't seen the photo until recently. I took this photo with my phone. It seems that on my lap sits a small child, and someone standing in a long pink coat with one arm behind my back and the other on my shoulder."
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
Original news
Au mois de septembre 2014, un homme était invité chez des amis. Se retrouvant seul dans le jardin, il décida de se prendre en photo. Plus tard, lorsqu’il regarda la photo, il vit deux personnages fantomatiques sur celle-ci. Jusqu’à ce jour, il n’a toujours pas trouvé d’explications.
Témoignage :
« Ces photos ont été prises en septembre dernier près de la maison de mes amis dans leur jardin de derrière. Je n’y suis pas retourné depuis. J’étais seul dans son jardin lorsque j’ai pris un Selfie aléatoire. J’ai entièrement zoomé sur la porte qui mène dans le salon. J’ai une autre photo prise peu avant. J’ai attrapé des apparitions fantomatiques qui corroborent que la photo est authentique.
Je n’ai pas découvert la photo jusqu'à récemment. J’ai pris cette image avec mon téléphone. Il semble y avoir un petit enfant assis sur mes genoux, et quelqu'un debout qui porte un long manteau rose avec un bras derrière le dos, et l’autre sur mon épaule. »
These photo’s were taken last September round my friends house in his back garden, I have not been back since. I was alone in his garden just taking random selfie’s and stuff. I was fully zoomed in on his door which leads into the lounge, I have other photo’s taken before I caught the apparitions which corroborate that the photo is genuine.
I did not discover the photo until months later. I still have the phone taken with the photo, and have a video of me showing the original is still on my phone. Their seems to be a small child sat on my knee, and a someone standing up in a long pink coat with one arm behind their back, and one arm on my shoulder
The 1st picture is the original and the other 2 are increased contrast, and increased contrast. Maybe you guys could try inverting the photo, or tell who to send the originals to? You see from the other photos where I was sitting, you see that one apparition is blocking my left leg, and the other one is blocking the green house where my friend grows tomatoes.
I was thinking one day are go back and take a photo identical to this one with the same phone? Then we could compare the pictures.
Pareidolic illusion

A variety of visual illusions (the so-called "sensory illusions additions"); is the formation of illusory images, as a basis which are the details of the real object. Thus, the vague and obscure the visual image is perceived as something distinct and defined — for example, figures of people and animals in the clouds, the image of a man on the moon, "a hidden message", audible when you reverse the audio recordings, the shadows formed by leaves or complexes of objects in certain lighting (sometimes at a certain angle).
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
Due to the fact that the photo is blurred, it is difficult to understand what exactly took over the ghosts of its author. This may be as a reflection in the glass, and just an illusion.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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