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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1559834078
Added Thu, 06/06/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
01.05.2014 22:00
район Хинкли в графстве Лестершир, Англия
United Kingdom

May 1, 2014, labor Day, UFO has been spotted near Hinckley in Leicestershire, England. Leistershire network investigation of UFOs (or LUFOIN), an organization that studies the UFO phenomenon, reported on his page in Facebook about the incident.

Witness, the man noticed a "big red light flashing in the sky" in the estate Gelson about 22 hours.

"I closed the curtains in his room when she glances extremely bright red light that flew low in the sky to the East, above the roofs. I opened the window to hear him, but nothing was heard. He was very quiet.

I watched the object moving very slowly in the sky for five minutes before he disappeared directly behind St. Mary's Church. I used my binoculars to examine it in more detail, but it was so strange that I couldn't focus on the object."

Graham Hall, volunteer LUFOIN says:

"Witness is an astronomer who knows the sky. It could be a plane, but it was quite quiet. Also, the aircraft has a very special luminous marking, which was not the case for this UFO.

We think he was flying at an altitude of about 500 feet (about 152 meters)."

Today the Association of ufologists seeking new witnesses to continue the investigation.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

A UFO has been spotted flying around the Hinckley area.

The incident was reported to the Leicestershire UFO Investigation Network who said on their Facebook page that a male witness spotted a “large pulsating bright red light in the sky” about the Jelson Estate on May 1.

The male reported seeing the possible alien spacecraft around the Hollycroft area at 9.55pm.

The witness stated: “I was just drawing my bedroom curtains when my eyes were drawn to an extremely vivid red light that was flying towards the east, very low in the sky - just above the rooftops. I opened the window to listen for sound, but there was nothing - just silence.

“I watched the object moving very slowly through the sky for about five minutes until it finally disappeared behind St Mary’s Church.

“I used my binoculars at one point, but the strange thing was that I couldn’t get them to focus on the object - even though I keep them ready for normal use and never have any trouble.”

Graham Hall, volunteer at LUFOIN, said: “The witness is a regular astronomer who is aware of what is in the sky so we are taking notice of what he is saying.

“One thing that is unusual is that he couldn’t get his binoculars to focus but of course he could have just knocked them in the excitement.

“It could have been an aircraft but it is unusual not to hear any sound. Red lights are often reported and they are common in the sky because they are on planes but it’s strange for it to be all red - usually there’s a green or white light on aircrafts too.

“We have investigated and we think it was about 500ft in the air - just above the rooftops.

“We want people to come forward if they have seen this aircraft or anything else unusual so we can investigate further.

“This way we can gather evidence and do some triangulation.”


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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