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Ghost. United Kingdom

ID #1558518808
Added Wed, 22/05/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
особняк Хорнклиффа в графстве Ланкашир
United Kingdom

Municipal research absolutely terrified, saying that photographed the Ghost of a boy in the haunted house. Jake Parr (31) said he became uncomfortable as soon as he and his friends entered the abandoned mansion Horncliffe in Lancashire.

A few minutes later the group claims to have heard "quick steps of someone who seemed angry and upset". These disturbing sounds seemed to be coming from space. But after inspection, it was impossible to find someone else in this partially destroyed.

People from Stockport (greater Manchester) said that he was forced to take pictures in case you will be able to capture something that. He was shocked when I saw the photo of a man looking him straight in the eye.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

AN urban explorer was left petrified after claiming he'd snapped a ghost of a little boy in a "haunted" house.

Jake Parr, 31, says he felt uneasy as soon as he and his friends entered the abandoned Horncliffe Mansion in Lancs.

Urban explorer Jake Parr was left terrified after spotting what he claims was the ghost of a young boy in the abandoned Horncliffe Mansion

Jake's photograph appears to show the image of a boy in the top right-hand corner

The spooky Victorian pile has become a hotspot for urban explorers

Minutes later, the group claim they heard "angry, fast and frustrated" footsteps coming from above them - but after looking round were unable to find anyone else in the crumbling pile.

The explorer from Stockport, Greater Manchester, says he felt compelled to take photographs just in case he could capture something - but was later shocked to see the image of a young boy staring right back at him.

"You could smell the rust and the rotting of the materials all coming together giving you a sense of unease as soon as you entered the building," he said.

"As we grouped together in the middle of the basement, it was as if we were being watched.

"This feeling hit me straight away, and a voice inside my head told me to snap some pictures just in case.

"I didn’t look through my pictures at this point, I just snapped them and waited to get home to surprise myself and see if I had caught anything.

And when I did look back at the photos I was terrified - I could clearly see a little boys face staring at me

"And when I did look back at the photos I was terrified - I could clearly see a little boys face staring at me."

The Grade II listed mansion was built by mill owner Henry Hardman in 1869 and has housed a hotel, wedding venue and a care home in its time.

But since falling into disrepair a decade ago, the imposing Victorian pile has now become a hotspot for explorers and paranormal investigators like Jake.

"We could hear slight murmurs too which really got us thinking something wasn't right - and the five of us were terrified," he continued.

"We went upstairs to see if anyone else was there, but no one was - it was just the three of us.

"I couldn't find any answer to explain the footsteps until I looked back at the photos, and when I saw the face, the goosebumps took over."

The spooked out explorer said he was "very scared" when he saw the photos and "just how clear" the "ghost" had appeared.

"I am now less sceptical as to what lies beyond the grave in terms of life after death," he said.

Jake's nocturnal adventures come after a group of urban explorers discovered an entire hidden underground city below the streets of Manchester, simply by lifting a drain.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Studio effects for your

There are a number of programs for processing photos and video that put the final image from the list to remove phone photo or video. For the selected image you can adjust the size and location of the facility, in some programs you can change the contrast, color, transparency and other simple settings. Video and photos obtained by such programmes are often not only used for entertainment, but not rare issue for paldino survey of unexplained phenomena.


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