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Werewolf. United Kingdom

ID #1556525886
Added Mon, 29/04/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
United Kingdom

Isabelle gowdy was a beautiful young girl in the Scottish village Older in the 17th century of our era. She was the most ordinary peasant, illiterate and low social status. When did the persecution of witches, Isabel were seized and she suddenly just confessed, but began to tell a very unusual thing.

As far as known to historians, it did not have time to apply any of the usual in such cases of torture or "checks on witchcraft". She eagerly began to tell about himself. According to Isabelle, she met with the Scottish Queen of the fairies Alfheim and these meetings took place in the caves beneath the hill on which stands the village.

It is the Queen of the fairies taught Isabel the mystery of change, that is transformation into various animals. Isabel was so talkative that even said that the spell by which she turned into a hare. It was: "I'm going to hare with great sorrow and drought, and with the name of the Devil, and then I go home."

To become back human, she had to say: "Hare, hare, God doesn't care about you, I'm in the form of a hare, but now I can be in the form of a woman."

Gowdy just made four confessions for six weeks, the first dated 13 APR 1662 year. She including told me that she one night had a meeting with the Devil and that he put the mark on her shoulder, and then sucked the blood from her shoulder. Then she had other meetings with him during which they had sexual intercourse. And the Devil she described as "very cold".

Further, gowdy said that other witches from her coven (a community) is also able to turn into different animals, cats or rabbits. And together they engaged in the usual for witches things spoiling the harvest, black magic, stealing corpses from the grave (the corpse of the child), and so on. During one of his visits with the Devil, that gave to all witches special little hands and ordered to release them to people. The man, who was shot by that arrow, soon died. Isabelle gowdy was married, but her husband knew nothing about her unusual things at night, when the witch went to the Sabbath she was leaving behind in bed for a special doll and her husband have not seen the switch.

Further stories gowdy was about how it is in the form of a hare running from a pack of dogs. Gowdy said that although dogs could not harm the werewolf, they could leave scratches or bite marks that would remain on the body of the witch after turning her into a human.

It is unknown what became of Isobel gowdy after listening to such stories, although most likely it burned or hung as all the usual witches of those times. Incidentally, after reading gowdy, the village had detained about 40 people, mostly women. What became of them, is also unknown.

Now the legend of Isobel gowdy mostly used in the performances or in the writings of folklorists. Modern historians believe that Isabel was just a lady with a very big imagination, and perhaps a survivor of a traumatic rape. It is the latter which may explain her very detailed and unpleasant words that describe a sexual relationship between her and the Devil.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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