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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Poltergeist. United Kingdom

ID #1553506591
Added Mon, 25/03/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Пулборо, Западный Суссекс
United Kingdom

The mother feared for his life after he witnessed unexplained phenomena home. Indeed, the door in front of his house, which was locked, opened by itself.

37-year-old Anna Clark may not understand how to open her door after she returned home on the evening of 27 January 2019.

The mother of three children and her husband, Phil, Damario (37 years), I watched the video of their surveillance cameras to see what happened.

In the video we see that the door is presumably locked, although there is no one around.

A second later, it seems that glowing sphere appears briefly before the camera lens.

"We went home one night and saw that the door is open. None of us went, and we wondered, did the neighbor to close the door in the garden. So we looked at images taken by CCTV. We were amazed. The door opened. In the garden it was so quiet. You can clearly see the plants and nothing is moving. The door was locked. I believe in this 110%. The castle is really heavy. I don't know if I believe in ghosts. I think I'm a little skeptical, but it got me thinking. I just don't know what happened."

Most incredibly, it's not the first unexplained event that occurs in this house. One day the TV remote mysteriously moved from the bed where he had originally stood to the other side of the room. This event occurred in the morning at the funeral of his father-in-law Mark Damario in September 2018.

In combination with the latest incident, it made Anna believe that Phil's father, now deceased, tries to communicate with the couple.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Anya Clark, 37, couldn’t understand how her gate was open after she returned home on the evening of January 27.

The mum-of-three and her husband Phil Damario, 37, reviewed CCTV footage to discover what had happened.

In the video, the supposedly “bolted” gate can be seen opening despite no one in the vicinity.Anya was left perplexed by what she saw, saying: “It's very odd.

“Everybody who has seen it, and even friends of mine who are really sceptical, are convinced by it.

“We got home in the evening and we saw the gate was open. Neither of us had been out and we wondered if the neighbour had forgotten to close the gate in the garden.

“So we reviewed the CCTV and there it was. It was like - wow. There it was. The gate opened.

“The garden was so still - you can see the plants and there's nothing [moving]. It's just the way it suddenly opens.

“The gate was bolted. It was definitely 110 per cent bolted. It's a really stiff bolt.“I don't know if I believe in ghosts. I suppose I am a little bit of a sceptic, but this has made me wonder. I just don't know.”

The incident was just the latest in a string of unexplained occurrences in their house – including the TV remote moving from the bed to the other side of the room.

The remote moved on the morning of her dad-in-law’s – Mark Damario – funeral in September 2018.

Combined with the latest incident, it has led Anya to believe Phil’s late dad is trying to communicate to the pair.

“There's no history of ghostly activity in our house. We've lived here three years and we've never had anything like that before,” she said.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

The wind

Wind — flow of air, which quickly moves parallel to the earth's surface.

Wind is the result of uneven distribution of atmospheric pressure and is directed from areas of high pressure to the low pressure zone. Due to the continuous pressure changes in time and space speed and wind direction are constantly changing. With height wind speed varies with the decrease of the friction force.

Winds can affect the formation of the relief, causing Eolian deposits that form different kinds of soils (e.g., loess) or erosion.

The mechanical effect

Mechanical effects on objects of various natural factors may be something mystical (e.g., poltergeist). Such factors may include scratches and teeth marks on objects, bruises and bite marks on the man's fingerprints revealed by dust, etc.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Subject when shooting with flash or backlight

Reflection of the flash on objects and small living creatures that are out of focus at the time of photographing.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

About the "glowing sphere": the most likely that is a bug in IR led camera.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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