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UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1540893931
Added Tue, 30/10/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
United Kingdom

On the night of November 16, 1963 was cold. The sky was clear and the moon illuminated the landscape. Seventeen-year-old John Flaxton, eighteen-year-old Mervyn Hutchinson and two other, walking down the old lane running along Sandling Park in Hythe (Kent, England). All four laughed and joked, when something strange caught their attention: a glowing object flying in the sky and seemed to be heading in their direction. All four looked at him in amazement. Suddenly he fell or sat down on the ground behind the trees.

While the witnesses were looking in the area, the object quickly appeared again behind the trees. They noticed that he was a "Golden oval" and watched him at a distance of about 200 feet. At some point the scared Teens ran and hid.

Without warning the trees there was something else. Something even more scary: tall, dark, winged silhouette that teenagers could only be described as resembling a human. As soon as the creature saw them, it turned in their direction. Flaxton and his friends fled again.

Supernatural events lasted Sandling Park: in the following days over the trees hung strange new lights, was found giant footprints (two feet long and one inch depth). And even local journalists have reported observations of anomalous lights. Then, the phenomenon suddenly stopped.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

The night of November 16, 1963 was a cold, clear and moonlit one. Seventeen-year-old John Flaxton, Mervyn Hutchinson, who was a year older, and two other friends, were strolling along an old country road that ran adjacent to the tree-shrouded Sandling Park, Hythe, in the green and picturesque county of Kent, England. The four were laughing and joking as they headed home after an evening spent at a local dance, when quite out of the blue something strange caught their attention: namely a bright, “star-like” object flying low in the sky that seemed to head ominously in their direction. All four watched amazed as the object suddenly changed direction, and dropped to the ground behind a thick area of trees. It was then that matters took a very strange turn.

Flaxton would later recall that a feeling of dread overcame the group, and that his body temperature noticeably dropped. No wonder, given the fact that as they scanned the area, the object quickly loomed back into view from behind the trees; it could now be seen as “golden [and] oval-shaped,” and proceeded to follow the four from a distance of around 200 feet. Needless to say, the terrified teenagers broke into a run and fled the scene. To their relief, they finally seemed to lose the object and it vanished from view. But worse things were to come, however; much worse.

Without warning, out of the trees emerged something else; something far more terrifying: namely a tall, dark, winged figure that the teenagers could only describe as looking like a human-sized bat. When it appeared to notice them and then headed in their direction in a determined fashion, Flaxton and his friends once again fled the scene.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information

Rocket launches (from space.skyrocket.de)

  • Site: Baikonur (Tyuratam, NIIP-5, GIK-5), Tyuratam (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Voskhod Payload: Kosmos 22 (Zenit-4 #1)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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