ID | #1516872102 |
Added | Thu, 25/01/2018 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Investigation
Initial data
An interesting case of disappearance was published in June 1953 in the journal "faith". The story was called "How did my father?" was supposedly written based on interviews that writer Stuart Palmer took Sarah lang in 1931. Sarah spoke about how disappeared her father David lang.
Resident of the County of Sumner (Tennessee) David lang was 23 Sep 1880 through a field not far from his home. His wife watched him from the porch, and their children, George and Sarah, was playing in the yard. Just at this time drove up to the house in the crew lawyer, judge August peck and his brother-in-law. Suddenly, Mrs. lang screamed, and the men froze in astonishment and horror. Directly in front of them David lang disappeared.
Intensive search lang to anything nor led. However, a few years later after this incredible scene, the place where he disappeared, was seen a rough circle with a diameter of 15 feet. Within the circle, nothing grew, it seemed that even the insects don't crawl in there. Once children lang came into the circle and heard the father's voice coming from nowhere. David lang, no one never saw.
Unfortunately, when I started to dismantle the story about Lang on the details, it turned out that some facts indicate unreliability. For example, in the archives of the County of Sumner was no mention of the family Langov and judge August peck. However, it is interesting to note some similarities between the disappearance of David lang and Charles Ashmore. Both voices, obviously, was faintly audible in the places of their disappearance. In both cases, the voices gradually became weaker until they cannot be disassembled. While all of this is just speculation, it is possible that David lang and Charles Ashmore continued to exist in those measurements, which included.
Followed the inevitable silence suggests that their existence wasn't there long. Or maybe they have tried unsuccessfully to log back into your world in the places of disappearance. Achieving nothing, they most likely went to other places of his invisible world. On the other hand, the curvature between dimensions, through which passed each of these is likely to gradually get blocked. It quickly became too small to allow them to return, but it was enough to pass the weak sounds and noises. After a while the curvature is completely covered. With certainty we can say that these people are not simply lost in the dimension in which they lived, and likely fell into some invisible region, which is inaccessible to human understanding.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
Deliberate falsification

This version includes any falsifications that imitate unexplained phenomena both from the outside: practical jokes, flash mobs, fake news, witness fraud, staging, etc.
There are many ways to make something similar to a ghost or a flying saucer from improvised materials, without using video and photomontage.
Many homemade things made for the sake of a joke, a practical joke or a direct imitation of a mystical being or event can be taken as unexplained not only in photos and videos, but also in reality.
It tells the website ufonews.suabout this case in detail was written in the UFO journal No. 5(221), 2002:
The unbelievable disappearance of David lang
At noon on September 23 1880 on a farm five miles from town Gallatin (Tennessee, USA) five people witnessed the incredible events.
The farm belonged to David Lang. He lived with his wife Emma and two children, eight-year-old eleven-year-old George and Sarah. On the farm lived also their servants.
That afternoon the kids played in the yard. Mrs. lang was hanging freshly laundered linen, and David went through the pasture to the stable. At this time in the distance on the narrow road leading to the house, saw the horse-drawn double stroller convertible, owned by judge August Peck, a longtime friend of the family farmer. Mr. lang waited for the stroller closer, waved judge Peck's hand and turned to walk back to the house.
In a moment the incredible happened. David lang disappeared in front of his wife, children and one another, as if vanished into thin air! In the place where he had stood a second ago was empty. Subsequently, Mrs. lang began to shake when she was asked to explain the circumstances of the disappearance of her husband.
Judge Peck paled at the memory of that September day.
So, witnesses of the accident were five people: Mrs. lang, two children, judge Peck and his brother-in-law, who was riding with him in the stroller. Mrs. lang screamed, the children stopped dead, eyes wide. The judge froze, his mouth open, his brother-in-law grabbed.for the heart. Then all five of them woke up and ran to the spot where they just saw lang, but there was nothing but green grass. Cattle pasture was a flat area, to hide there would have been nowhere.
Sarah, the judge and his brother-in-law just in case step by step walked around the ground, fumbling in the grass.
Ran frightened servants. Sarah lang became hysterical. The poor woman was taken to the house. The judge rang the bell that hung in front of the house. Neighbors came running from nearby farms. By evening, they all joined in the quest: walking with torches to pasture, representing a round fenced area with a diameter of 500 meters. People checked every inch of the earth trying to find some hole in which lang could have failed, but found nothing. In the weeks that followed Mrs. lang in a state of nervous shock was lying in bed. All the servants, except the cook, Susie, left the farm without even asking the salary. Walked around the crowd of curious from all around. Police began an investigation, interviewed all the witnesses. The surveyor sent by the authorities, claimed that the pasture is completely solid ground without pits and ditches. The pasture was dug a four-foot depth. But no trace of lang could not be found. The disappearance of the farmer soon became overgrown with legends. Said that the sky above Him opened up and took him to heaven angel. The locals began to tell me that they see David in the distance roaming in the surrounding meadows. But all these stories were full of obvious contradictions and did not stand the test.
In the spring of 1881 children Langov noticed that the place where disappeared, their father, growing strange yellowish grass, forming a circle around a five-meter diameter. Noticing this circle, Sarah called to his father and suddenly, the children heard his weak voice, asking for help! The voice came from above and sounded fainter and fainter, until it died down. Every day children come to the circle, but their father no longer responded to calls.
Mrs. lang has gradually recovered, but her Golden hair turned gray. She didn't believe in the death of her husband and did not become his burial in the Church, and then left the farm, allowing judge Peck to rent it, except the pasture in front of the house. The pasture remained untouched until the death of Emma.
People began to fear farm. Products from the region: meat, milk, butter nobody wanted to buy. The ranchers were ruined one after another. They sold their farms for a pittance and left.
The son of a farmer, George lang, becoming an adult, came to the place where had disappeared his father. He claimed to have seen over the pasture in the night sky glow and heard some crackling. George was persuaded to come to the farm scientist and theologian from Birmingham (Alabama). The Evangelist, seeing the circle of yellowish grass, was baptized, and read the prayer. He stated that he feels the presence of the servants of the devil who took David lang in hell for his sins. George was offended by the words of the churchman. He began to defend his father, and even refused to take the Evangelist back to town in his buggy.
In the early twentieth century the farm began to arrive tourists. Local businessman Richard Peck, nephew of judge peck, organized a tour for them. The circle of yellowish grass was fenced. The farm became a Museum. Richard Peck for a fair cost showed the table at which sat lang, his Bible, a wide-brimmed hat...
In the twenties in the surrounding area Gallatin was found oil. Oil tycoon Morgan bought up all the surrounding land. The story of the missing farmer he was not interested in. The farm was built a refinery. Pasture with a circle of yellowish grass and the farm itself ceased to exist.
Frank Edwards in his book "Amazing" mentions the incident at the farm. He believes that there are two possibilities - or, lang fell into the fourth dimension, or invisible UFO captured him.
Charles Berlitz in my book "Vanishing in the air" leads many eyewitness accounts of cases similar to the disappearance of the farmer lang. He writes about the missing baby on the parent's while riding on the carousel in Colorado in 1920.
The following incident occurred in 1934 near the town of Elko (Nevada). To the gas station approached a man and woman in old Ford. Only a man opened the car door as he and his companion immediately disappeared in front of the astonished owner of the gas station.
In 1953 the show on the occasion of thanksgiving in the town Mak-Rawls (Idaho) during his speech disappeared local singer K. Lo-Uson. The crowd of his listeners in panic fled.
Analyzing these and other cases, LJ, Berlitz came to the conclusion that all the missing people have gone into the fourth dimension. They continue to exist in this dimension, but we can't see. As a confirmation of his words, Berlitz gives the following example. Imagine that we live in two dimensions, on the plane. Our entire world is flat. If one of us became three-dimensional, that is volumetric, we would not have seen it. We could only see the shadow of it (projection of three-dimensional human body) in the plane of our world.
These explanations Berlitz not very consistent with the circumstances surrounding the death of lang. No projection or shadow on the ground witnesses to the incident have not seen. As well as nothing but the yellowish circle of grass that was not visible in the pasture in the coming months and years.
Perhaps lang really captured a UFO. And the circle of yellowish grass is the place where the UFO landed. Why David Lange was interested in aliens, or are they by chance captured it? Maybe he was just burned without a trace during the landing of a flying saucer? Most likely, the mystery of the disappearance of David lang we'll never know
This information greatly enhances the story. Need to find the original publication, 1953.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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