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В Архиве зарегистрировано 35225 фактов из 177 стран, относящихся к 1198 феноменам. Из них раскрыто 2834, еще 11033 находятся в стадии проверки на соответствие одной из 322 версий.

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НЛО. Соединённые Штаты Америки

ID #1717147828
Добавлен пт, 31/05/2024
Автор July N.

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Дата происшествия: 
03.07.2023 21:07
река Охупи
Соединённые Штаты Америки

Следующее заявление было предоставлено /SysBadmin:

Не уверен, что я публиковал это раньше, но я сделал небольшую разбивку некоторых уникальных кадров (по моему мнению) лучшего UAP-видео RangerH. Маленький зонд, кажется, издает серию звуковых сигналов (научный термин), что чрезвычайно интересно. Похоже, он собирает данные. Подобные видеоролики с сферами время от времени снимались, но редко в формате 4k.

Оригинальная новость

The following submission statement was provided by u/SysBadmin:

Not sure if I posted this before but its a little breakdown I did of some of the unique shots of (in my opinion) RangerH's best UAP video. The little probe appears to perform a series of beep boops (scientific term), which is extremely interesting. Looks like its gathering data. These type of orb videos have been caught from time to time, but rarely in 4k.

Source: https://x.com/RangerH338

UFO orb sphere on HD cameras over the Ohoopee River in Georgia USA 7-3-2023. The color starlight camera is a 4K camera. This is some closeup videos I got of the smaller UFO probes. I think there were 3 of them in all flying around me yesterday evening. A lot of the cameras are on a tower so they can see the whole area.


UFO orb sphere on HD cameras over the Ohoopee River in Georgia USA 7-3-2023. The color starlight camera is a 4K camera. This is some closeup videos I got of the smaller UFO probes. I think there were 3 of them in all flying around me yesterday evening. A lot of the cameras are on a tower so they can see the whole area. I own all the rights to the videos. If any news organizations want to use the videos contact me or if you want the story of what's going on here contact me. I have some videos that will shock people! I try not to post any of the better videos here but there are so many people on here that don't believe, I thought I would post this event to shut them up! I really want to talk to scientist or anyone high up in the government that is trying to figure out what is going on with all the UFOs and UAPs all over the place and want to get the information out to the public. Contact me because I have some of the puzzle! I have been shown many things by them and was also told three warnings to tell the government. I was jump starting the battery on my Hummer H2 when they came down watching me. Have more videos of them that are longer. They looked like they were flying a pattern like they do many times. I had a close encounter with the UFOs on 11-8-2012 and the Beings in them. They started coming back all the time after that event. They made some kind of connection to me. I have hundreds of videos of the UFOs from over the years. I'm just a normal person that something amazing happened to. You can not make up a story as crazy as what has happened to my family since 2012! This video is nothing compared to what we have seen them do. I have closeup 4K videos of them doing something amazing that the government and scientist should see. They can perform molecular manipulation on matter. The craft can change shape instantly and they can change other things also. I have videos showing them do this. I have a amazing story that needs to come out! I'm looking for scientist that are studying the UFOs that would be interested in helping me show this to the world. If you want to see the UFOs live contact me. You can set all your cameras and equipment up on my land and see the UFOs for yourself! Hundreds of the smaller UFOs like this came on 2-16-2023 and they had a giant mothership with them. That event was something special. They want to show us something! I filmed it on multiple cameras. I also want to show the government the videos we have filmed over the years and tell them the message the Beings gave me. We have keep this all secret until January of this year. Only some of the doctors treating me know about it and my lawyer. This is a long term ongoing event and I have medical records that show what happened to my body from the close encounter and I have many videos to prove all of this. Something major happened this year with the UFOs and something strange is going on now! They are NOT here to harm us. They are here to watch over us and to guide us. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! THIS IS ALL 100% REAL and these craft are 1000% not man made craft!!


Список версий, содержащих признаки, совпадающие с описаниями очевидца или материальными свидетельствами


Беспилотный летательный аппарат (БПЛА, также иногда сокращается как БЛА; в просторечии иногда используется название «беспилотник» или «дрон» (от англ. drone — трутень)) — летательный аппарат без экипажа на борту. Созданы для воздушной съёмки, наблюдения за наземными объектами и других задач в реальном времени. 

БПЛА различают военного и гражданского назначения.

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К этой версии относятся любые фальсификации, имитирующие необъясненные феномены как со стороны: розыгрыши, флешмобы, фейковые новости, обман свидетелей, инсценировки и т.п.

Существует немало способов из подручных материалов изготовить нечто, похожее на призрака или летающую тарелку, не применяя при этом видео и фотомонтаж.

Многие самодельные вещи, изготавливаемые ради шутки, розыгрыша или прямой имитации мистического существа или события можно принимать за необъясненное не только на фотографиях и видео, но и в реальности.


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Вероятно, это какой-то самодельный сферический кожух, надетый на дрон.

В комментариях предполагают, что это мог быть серебристый шарик на леске закрепленный на дроне.


Это подделка, а этот чувак - мошенник.

На самом деле я воссоздал это, повесив серебряный шарик на чистую леску под DJI Mini 2. Они не идеальны, и есть возможности для улучшения управления дроном по отношению к камере, но это вполне выполнимо.

Вот 2 клипа




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