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Полтергейст. Соединённые Штаты Америки

ID #1686566046
Добавлен пн, 12/06/2023
Автор July N.

Исходная информация

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Дата происшествия: 
24.04.1880 22:30
Спрингфилд, TN
Соединённые Штаты Америки

24 апреля 1880 года была опубликована статья о «доме с привидениями» в Спрингфилде, штат Теннесси, где был слышен стук под полом. 

Четвертая ночь стука началась в 22:30 и закончилась в 4:00, когда дом окружили 10-12 человек, пытавшихся выяснить источник звука. 

В последующем отчете от 26 апреля 1880 года автор сообщил, что несколько сотен человек посетили дом, пытаясь стать свидетелями этого явления, и многие из них ночевали в лагере, несмотря на то, что домовладельцы просили их уйти. 

В среду вечером, 28 апреля 1880 года, семья, как сообщалось, вышла из дома на ночь, и небольшая группа следователей вокруг дома услышала стук с расстояния в пятьдесят ярдов.

Оригинальная новость

On April 24, 1880, an article was published regarding a 'haunted house' in Springfield, Tennessee where knocking underneath the floor was heard. The fourth night of knockings began at 10:30 p.m. and ended at 4 a.m. with the home surrounded by 10-12 persons working in an effort to discover the origin of the sound.[29] In a follow up report from April 26, 1880, the writer reported that several hundred people had visited the home attempting to witness the phenomenon with many camped out overnight despite the homeowners asking them to leave.[30] On Wednesday night, April 28, 1880, the family were reported to have left the home for the night and a smaller group of investigators around the home heard knocking from fifty yards away.[31] During the events, the journalist took the opportunity to mention the Bell Witch legend:

It is an actual fact that several hundred intelligent people of Springfield and vicinity have been so excited over the noise as to go night after night to listen to it ... About thirty years ago Robertson county had a sensation similar to this known as the "Bell Witch," and people came from all parts of the country, even as far as New York, to hear or see her.[30]

The Springfield floor knocking occurred at the residence of John W. Nuckolls, a prominent physician. Nuckolls was recently married to Laura Hopkins Jones, a union opposed by her family. The phenomenon created a domestic disturbance between the couple, as a local carpenter, Gill Walling, accused Laura Nuckolls of creating the noise with an iron ball attached to a rubber belt hidden under her clothes. Robertson County historian Yolanda Reid states, "they came to the conclusion that the wife was tying it into the bottom of her skirt to make the sounds, nobody ever proved it."[32] The couple separated in May, 1880. That August, John Nuckolls retrieved his infant child from his wife, running through town with his estranged wife following in anguish. Afterward the child was returned to Laura Nuckolls who was living with her father, Asa Hopkins. John Nuckolls, in February 1882, confronted Laura's father, over his desire to see the child, and threatened his father-in-law's life. During the argument, the subject of 'ghosts' between the men was reported by an eyewitness as Nuckolls attempted to shoot Hopkins but was restrained.[33] The next day, as a result of this confrontation, Nuckoll's brother-in-law, S. B. Hopkins, traveled from Nashville and shot John W. Nuckolls with a double-barreled shotgun, causing his death. The circumstances of the shooting were contested and S. B. Hopkins was acquitted of murder.


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