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НЛО. Соединённые Штаты Америки

ID #1636466522
Добавлен вт, 09/11/2021
Автор July N.

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Дата происшествия: 
Киркленд, WA
Соединённые Штаты Америки

Совершенный черный треугольник с 9 оранжевыми / желтоватыми огнями на двух сторонах треугольника: один на вершине, четыре следующих за каждой передней кромкой, ни одного на корме/заднем конце треугольника. 

Корабль почти не издавал шума и, казалось, игнорировал законы гравитации и авиации, поскольку плыл и кренился.

«Как бывший сотрудник авиакомпании, меня учили определять прибывающие самолеты, определять их скорость и уведомлять персонал, чтобы помочь собрать и буксировать самолет для высадки пассажиров. Я также художник и фотограф-любитель».

Оригинальная новость

Date: May 13, 2005
Location: Kirkland, Washington, United States

Perfect black triangle with 9 orange/yellowish lights on two sides of triangle, one on tip four following each leading edge, with none on stern/back end of triangle. The craft made barely, if any noise, and seemed to be defying the laws of gravity and aviation as it was floating and banking left.

Source: Mr. Reboare/National UFO Reporting Center (Seattle)

"As a former airline employee, I was trained to identify incoming aircraft, determine their speed, and notify personnel to help marshal and tug aircraft to deplane passengers. I am also an artist and amateur photographer."

12:19AM May 13, 2005
Location: Kirkland, WA
Weather: Light stratus towards the West, clear towards the East
Light Pollution: "Moderate due to ambient light and humidity seemed high as stars were not well visible. The sky was one or two hues lighter than its normal black due to humidity and light pollution. My view of craft was 45 degrees up from terra facing due East."


"Perfect black triangle with 9 orange/yellowish lights on two sides of triangle, one on tip four following each leading edge, with none on stern/back end of triangle. The color of the lights was a very light salmon/orange yellow. The lights glowed with barely detectible movement similar to air heating phenomena which you see on heated roadways, but in this case the area was confined to the lights themselves."

Observation of craft:

"Discovered the craft due east in my field of view and the craft was traveling north. I estimate the craft was ¾ to 1 mile from my position. I estimated altitude 200-350 feet from ground traveling 70-110 knots "banking" (more like floating) towards the port/left. Craft leveled off traveling towards the NE and became undetectable as it became level, in perfect stealth. The craft seem to "float" like observed satellites float in an arc across the sky, but this craft floated in a straight line close the earth. The size of the craft was as big as a 747 or at least ¾ of a football field."

Personal notation:

"I was going out to drop some recycling material at 12:18 a.m. PST and heard or sensed something very subtle in the sky. Directly in front of me due East, I looked up 45 degrees and saw clearly a perfect black triangle. The craft had lights on two sides of it and they were no brighter than dim stars, but they were all uniformly spaced and of the same color. The craft was traveling north. I was dumbstruck as the craft made barely, if any noise, and seemed to be defying the laws of gravity and aviation as it was floating and banking left traveling towards the Northeast. I use the term "banking" lightly because it was not relying on the air to bank, it was more like it was just righting itself to level as it floated. I strained to hear anything and could not, but sensed great power or energy. I was amazed at the razor sharp edges of the triangle and was struck by the clarity of the salmon-colored lights that ran up one side of the triangle leading edge and up the other side but not on the part of the triangle which was on the back. I remember thinking, those lights are designed to be subtle and not seen. I saw that the craft was leveling off and as soon as it did, it completely disappeared. (This next part is based on human intuition and is understandably arbitrary) I remember thinking "ok, is that one of us?" but I didn't get the feeling that it was. Something didn't feel right. I felt like there were people onboard but the feeling I had was that they were super intelligent, like test pilots (I have an old acquaintance who was a test pilot and he was the smartest person I have ever met) but that they were with some power or government that superseded everything. I felt that the people onboard had a sort of clinical super intelligence, if a person can sense such things like this. That's just what I felt, I can't dismiss or excuse it."

"My overall feeling was one of amazement, also a very ominous feeling which turned into excitement and fear."

"Here’s the sad part of this… I had been doing night photography for the last couple of nights and had my digital camera ON MY NECK, but I knew that I couldn’t dig it out of its bag, power up, switch it to manual, turn the iso to max, the f-stop to max and a 1/3 second exposure, as I was wrapped up trying to soak in as much detail as possible. I just didn’t have time and I knew it instinctively."

-- Mr. Reboare


From National UFO Reporting Center in Seattle:

"As a former airline employee, I was trained to identify incoming aircraft speed to notify personel to help marshall and tug aircraft to deplane passengers. I am also an amateur photographer."

12:19 a.m. May 13, 2005 Location:

"((address deleted)) Avenue by 124th Avenue, Kirkland, WA 98034."


"Light stratus towards the west clear towards the east Light Pollution: moderate due to ambient light and humidity seemed high as stars were not well visible."

"45 degrees up from terra facing due east est altitude 200-350 feet from ground travelling 70-110 knots banking towards the right levelling off towards NE becoming undetectable as it became level, perfect stealth."


"Perfect black black triangle/7 lights on two angles of triangle, one on tip three following each leading edge,none on back end of triangle."

"The color of the lights was a very light salmon/orange yellow. Lights glowed with barely detectible movement similar to air heating phenomena on heated roadways, but in this case, the area was confined to the lights themselves. Easy to track as it was banking to its forward right edge. I had a clear view of the bottom of craft as it was banking but when it levelled out it was GONE/perfectly stealthy."

Personal notation:

"I was going out to drop some recycling material and heard or sensed something very subtle. I looked up towards the east and saw clearly a perfect black triangle which was travelling 45 degrees up from my view facing due east. I was dumbstruck as the craft made barely any noise, and seemed to be defying the laws of gravity and aviation as it was banking North east from my with no audible noise. I strained to hear anything and could not, but sensed great power or energy. I was amazed at the razor sharp edges of the triangle and was struck by the clarity of the salmon colored lights that ran up one side of the triangle leading edge and up the other side but not on the part of the triangle which was on the back."

"I saw that the craft was leveling off and as soon as it did it completely disappeared."

"My feeling was one of amazement, also a very ominous feeling which turned into excitement and fear."

((NUFORC Note: We have corresponded with, and spoken with via telephone, the witness, and he appears to us to be quite serious-minded and credible. PD))


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