ID | #1520268580 |
Добавлен | пн, 05/03/2018 |
Автор | July N. |
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Состояние | Расследование
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Этот случай обычно называют "Инцидент в Фалкон-Лейк".
Около полудня 20-го мая 1967 года, канадец Стивен Макалак, механик из Виннипега, занимался любительскими геологическими исследованиями в районе озера Фалькон в провинции Манитоба.
Когда он рассматривал одно из скальных образований, перед ним возникли два неопознанных летательных аппарата. Один из НЛО оставался в воздухе и через несколько мгновений улетел на огромной скорости. Второй НЛО приземлился в нескольких сотнях футов от Стивена. Когда он начал приближаться к НЛО, то у того открылся люк и из НЛО послышались голоса.
Микалак подошёл к НЛО, но ничего не мог увидеть через отрытый люк из-за яркого желто-голубого света, исходящего от объекта. Он попытался вступить в контакт с теми, кто был внутри корабля на английском, русском, немецком, итальянском и украинском языках, однако безрезультатно. Когда он подошёл к объекту на расстояние нескольких футов, люк закрылся.
Он услышал какой-то звон, объект начал вращаться против часовой стрелки и оторвался от земли. До того, как объект начал отрываться от земли, Микалак протянул руку и прикоснулся к поверхности объекта, при этом его перчатка немедленно загорелась.
Когда объект начал взлетать, то струя выхлопных газов сожгла шапку и одежду Стивена, он получил сильные ожоги живота и грудной клетки. В результате его госпитализировали. Врачи, которые осматривали и опрашивали Микалака, были не в состоянии объяснить причину такого рода ожогов. Криминалисты из Королевской конной полиции Канады провели тщательную экспертизу обгоревшей одежды Стивена, однако и они не смогли найти объяснений характеру и причинам таких ожогов.
Образцы почвы, взятые с места посадки НЛО, были проанализированы и выявили высокую степень радиоактивности и были немедленно утилизированы. При этом следы радиоактивности были обнаружены только на небольшом участке почвы непосредственно на месте посадки НЛО. Анализ проводился радиологами из Министерства здравоохранения, которые не смогли объяснить причину радиоактивного заражения данного участка.
Ключевым моментом данного случая является то, что Стивен получил ожоги необычной формы. И в этом случае мы сталкиваемся с инцидентом с летательным аппаратом неизвестного происхождения, который причинил физические поражения свидетелю и, возможно, излучал неизвестный тип радиации – за 13 лет до случая с Кэш и Лэндрумами.
Оригинальная новость
Around noon on May 20, 1967, Stephen Michalak, an industrial mechanic from Winnipeg, was doing some amateur prospecting in the Falcon Lake area of Manitoba when he reportedly came into physical contact with a landed UFO. He would later state that he was examining a rock formation when two UFOs appeared before him. One of the UFOs remained airborne in the immediate area for a few moments, then flew off at great speed. The second UFO landed a few hundred feet away from his position. As he approached the UFO, a side door opened and voices were heard coming from within.
Mr. Michalak states he approached the object but was unable to see inside due to a bright yellow bluish light which blocked his vision. He endeavored to communicate with the personnel inside the object [in English, Russian, German, Italian, French and Ukrainian], but without result. As he approached within a few feet of the object, the door closed. He heard a whining noise and the object commenced to rotate anti-clockwise and finally raised off the ground. He reached out with his left gloved hand and touched the object prior to its lifting off the ground; the glove burned immediately as he touched the object.
As the object left the ground, the exhaust gases burned his cap, outer and inner garments, and he sustained rather severe stomach and chest burns. As a result of these he was hospitalized for a number of days. The doctors who attended and interviewed Mr. Michalak were unable to obtain any information which could account for the burns to his body. The personal items of clothing which were alleged to have been burnt by the UFO, were subjected to an extensive analysis at the RCMP Crime laboratory. The analysts were unable to reach any conclusion as to what may have caused the burn damage.
Soil samples taken by Mr. Michalak from the immediate area occupied by the UFO were analyzed and found to be radioactive to a degree that the samples had to be safely disposed of. An examination of the alleged UFO landing area was made by a radiologist from the Department of Health and Welfare and a small area was found to be radioactive. The Radiologist was unable to provide an explanation as to what caused this area to become contaminated. source
The key take-away point from this case was the fact that his glove, outer clothing and inner garments were burned rather severely by the 'exhaust gases' of this craft and left him hospitalized with rather unusual burn marks.
Again, here we have a case of a craft of unknown origin leaving an eyewitness with physical evidence of an encounter with something that was possibly giving off some type of radiation--13 years priorto the Cash-Landrum incident.
One of Canada’s most famous cases is the Falcon Lake Case. On May 20, 1967, near Falcon Lake, Manitoba, Stefan Michalak, an amateur geologist, was prospecting in the area when he sighted two disc-shaped craft descending in the southwest. As he watched, one of the discs stopped and hovered 15 feet above him and then one of them ascended and moved away towards the southwest changing colors from red to orange to grey until it disappeared from sight. In the meantime, the other object had landed about 160 feet away from him and was also changing colors from red to iridescent steel. Michalak got out a pad of paper and sketched the object, which he described as being 40 feet in diameter and 10 feet thick, while looking at it for nearly 30 minutes. Then a door opened and he heard high-pitched indistinct child-like voices coming from the craft and moved closer to investigate. As he got close, the light inside the craft was so bright that he needed to flip down the welding filter on the safety goggles he was wearing for his rock hammering that he’d borrowed from his job as an industrial mechanic at a cement factory. He saw no beings but described the wall of the craft revealed by the opening as being 20 inches thick and seeing lights that seemed to come from instrument panels. He moved his gloved hand along the surface of the craft and found it to be as smooth as glass but when he pulled his hand away he saw that the glove had been burned and partially melted. The door closed with three panels coming together “like a camera lens” and the craft began to move. It rose up and as it did, it released a hot gas through a grid of small circular openings that set his shirt and undershirt on fire, scorched the cap he was wearing, gave him first and second degree burns on his chest and left a pattern of small circles that matched the pattern of the openings he described that can also be seen in his drawing. The craft reached a height of around 40 feet and then vanished.
Michalak was nauseous and in shock and made his way to the highway where a passing Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer refused assistance because he thought he was drunk. Michalak made his way back to his motel and after several hours, took a bus back home to Winnipeg. In Winnipeg, he was examined by doctors and tested for radiation poisoning but the results were negative. The burns on his chest were diagnosed as being caused by heat but the grid pattern on his stomach seemed more like chemical burns. What was unexplainable was that the grid pattern would fade and then reappear every three months for close to a year and a half along with nausea and he was left with the pattern for the rest of his life in the form of subcutaneous scar tissue.
A Canadian Close Encounter
During Victoria Day week-end, Canadian Stephen Michalak of Winnipeg, a mechanic by trade, decided to do some prospecting in the Whiteshell Provincial Park . Michalak was an amateur geologist and had been prospecting in the area many times. Others had found several quartz veins near Falcon Lake that were associated with silver deposits, and Michalak had himself found a few promising sites. So, on May 19, 1967, he traveled from Winnipeg to Falcon Lake, where he spent the night in a motel on the Trans-Canada Highway.
Michalak left his motel at 5:30 that morning and headed north into the wilds of the park. At about 9:00 a.m. he found a quartz vein near a small stream. At 11:00 a.m. he ate lunch, then continued to examine the quartz formation. At 12:15 p.m. Michalak’s concentration was disturbed by the cackling of some geese. He looked up and was surprised to see two red, glowing cigar-shaped objects descending at a forty-five degree angle. As they came nearer, their appearance became more oval and then disc-shaped.
As he watched, one of the objects stopped and hovered, while the other one descended and landed on a large, flat rock about 160 feet away from him. After a few moments the object still in the air departed, changing from red to orange to grey as it flew into the west and disappeared behind the clouds. The object on the ground also turned from red to grey and finally to the color of “hot stainless steel” surrounded by a golden-hued glow. He had been wearing welding goggles while chipping at the quartz to protect his eyes from flying rock fragments, and now they served the additional purpose of protecting his eyes from a brilliant purple light that was shining through openings in the object’s exterior. The object was making a hissing sound and a whirring noise, and it gave off a sulfurous smell.
For several minutes, Michalak stayed where he was and sketched the object. After about half an hour, a door opened in the side of the object, revealing a lighted interior. Michalak decided to move closer, and when he was approximately sixty feet away from the object, he began to hear two voices over the other sounds coming from the object.
Believing that the object was a secret experimental American craft of some sort, Michalak called out in English. There was no response, so he tried Russian, German, Italian, French, Ukrainian, and then English again. There was still no response.
Summoning his nerve, Michalak approached the open door and stuck his head inside. There he saw a maze of lights on what appeared to be a panel, and beams of light in horizontal and diagonal patterns. There was also a cluster of lights flashing in a random sequence “like on a computer.”
Not seeing anyone, he pulled back and waited. Suddenly, three panels slid together, closing the opening completely. Michalak then examined the outer surface of the object, noting that it was like highly polished colored glass with no breaks or seams in its surface. He touched it, and it melted his glove.
Falcon Lake Part 2
Without warning, the object moved, and something like an exhaust vent was now in front of him. It was about nine inches high by six inches wide, and contained a uniform pattern of round holes, each about 1/16 inch in diameter. A blast of hot gas shot from these holes onto his chest, setting his shirt and undershirt on fire and causing him severe pain. He tore off his burning garments and threw them to the ground. He looked up in time to see the craft depart like the first, and felt a rush of air as it ascended.
After the object was gone, Michalak noticed a strong odor of burning electrical insulation along with the sulfurous smell he had noticed earlier. Some moss on the ground had been set on fire by his burning shirts, and so he stamped it out.
The spot where the object had landed looked as if it had been swept clean, but piled up in a 15 foot circle was a collection of pine needles, dirt and leaves. As he looked around, he developed a severe headache, became nauseous, and broke out in a cold sweat. His nausea became worse, and he soon vomited. He decided to head back to the motel, and on the way back he had to stop several times because of vomiting.
Finally, after asking for help from a passing RCMP officer and being refused, he reached the motel. At 4:00 p.m., he entered the coffee shop and asked where he could find a doctor. He was told that the nearest doctor was in Kenora, Ontario, 45 miles east of Falcon Lake. Michalak decided to return to Winnipeg rather than go into Ontario.
The next bus to Winnipeg didn’t come through until around 8:45 p.m., so he went to his room and called his wife. He told her not to worry, but that he had had an accident and to send their son to meet him at the bus terminal. He got to Winnipeg at around 10:15 p.m., and his son immediately took him to the Misericordia Hospital, where his headache and nausea were treated and the curious burn marks on his chest in the shape of a grid were noted.
The Stephen Michalak UFO Incident
Stephen Michalak was searching for minerals along Falcon Lake, 80 miles east of Winnipeg, Manitoba, on May 20, 1967, when he heard the cackling of geese. Looking up into the early-afternoon sky, he saw two glowing oval-shaped objects on a steep, swift descent. One abruptly stopped its downward flight while the other continued, landing on a flat rock outcropping 160 feet away.
Michalak's drawing of UFO
Michalak carefully approached the strange craft, which looked like a bowl with a dome on top. Forty feet wide and 15 feet high, it emitted a humming sound and a sulphur stench. On the bottom half, just below the rim of the bowl, was a door-like opening from which muffled voices emanated. "They sounded like humans," he reported. "I was able to make out two distinct voices, one with a higher pitch than the other."
Thinking he was dealing with a terrestrial craft, he addressed the speakers in several languages, asking if he could help. He got no answer. He poked his head through the opening into the interior, seeing only a "maze of lights." At that moment three panel doors slid across and sealed the opening. As Michalak stepped back, he touched the vehicle's exterior: It was so hot that it burned his gloves.
Suddenly, the object rose, expelling hot air through a grid-like vent and causing Michalak's shirt to erupt into flames. An attack of nausea overtook him.
When doctors examined Michalak in a Winnipeg hospital a few hours later, they noted a dramatic burn pattern all across his chest - exactly like the grid Michalak had described on the UFO's underside. Michalak's health problems continued and brought him to Minnesota's Mayo Clinic the next year. Investigations by official and civilian bodies uncovered no evidence of a UFO hoax. As late as 1975, a member of the Canadian Parliament complained that the government had not released its findings.
Canada has big skies and plenty of land so it should be fertile ground for an alien landing. In May, 1967, amateur geologist Stefan Michalak was prospecting in Manitoba when he spotted two glowing objects. One of the silver crafts landed and Michalak said he had a look inside at the blinking lights. The craft took off quickly, knocking him on his back, and an opening appeared in the upper portion of the 35-foot disc that hissed and smelled of sulfur. (Luckily, the craft hovered long enough for Michalak to sketch the spaceship above). The UFO spotter became ill afterwards, displaying signs of a radiation burn. Years later, a twisted piece of metal was recovered from the site, which was radioactive. Was it a hoax, military test or an alien landing? Neither Canadian nor the US military have been able to explain the event. Tour guides swear it was a UFO sighting, however, and include it on their trips. The Royal Canadian Mint has even issued a commemorative silver coin that retails for $129.95. The one-ounce coin comes with a black light that can be shone on the currency to reveal a yellowish blast resembling the one that (supposedly) burned Michalak.
Преднамеренная фальсификация

К этой версии относятся любые фальсификации, имитирующие необъясненные феномены как со стороны: розыгрыши, флешмобы, фейковые новости, обман свидетелей, инсценировки и т.п.
Существует немало способов из подручных материалов изготовить нечто, похожее на призрака или летающую тарелку, не применяя при этом видео и фотомонтаж.
Многие самодельные вещи, изготавливаемые ради шутки, розыгрыша или прямой имитации мистического существа или события можно принимать за необъясненное не только на фотографиях и видео, но и в реальности.
По какой-то причине эта история попала в статью "«Мистификации» инопланетян, ставшие вирусными, от «Летающих тарелок Розуэлла» до мексиканских и австралийских «Секретных материалов»", при этом информации о том, что это мистификация, в самой статье нет, как и ссылок на источники об этом.
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