ID | #1682583219 |
Añadido | Jue, 27/04/2023 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | |
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
OVNI sobre una tormenta eléctrica en Dallas, Texas, esta semana.
El testigo afirma:
Volé a Dallas y rodeamos un enorme sistema de tormentas a unos 30,000 pies. Al observar la tormenta, vi 2 círculos blancos sobre la tormenta, que luego desaparecieron. Se movía de forma no lineal. Luego, aproximadamente un minuto después, los volví a ver y me volví hacia los pasajeros que estaban a mi lado y les pedí que miraran por la ventana y me dijeran que no estaba loco.
Ambos lo vieron y se movieron desde la cima de la tormenta hacia arriba, también de forma no lineal, y desaparecieron de nuevo. Así que decidí filmar una tormenta eléctrica para ver si volvía a ver estos 2 objetos, y lo hice.
Entonces, tengo un clip de 40 segundos en el que aproximadamente 28 segundos muestran la luz nuevamente. Los dos objetos están justo encima de las tormentas eléctricas y a la izquierda del centro de la grabación de video. Hay que aumentarlos para poder verlos mejor. Por favor, hazme saber lo que piensas. Gracias
Noticias originales
Date of sighting: April 20, 2023
Location of sighting: Over Dallas, Texas, USA
Source: MUFON
Watch carefully and you will see three glowing UFOs over a thunderstorm at Dallas, Texas this week. This is 100% proof that UFOs cause severe weather phenomenon. What I mean is UFOs have been seen near tornados, earthquakes and floods and even were recorded at the Fukushima, Japan tidal wave disaster. UFO and their link to weather phenomenon is clear. They are causing much of it. Here the three UFOs are creating a storm to steal the energy from it. Enough energy to power all Dallas all year long, and these three tiny UFOs need it, but at what price to humanity and our environment?
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states: I was on a flight to Dallas and we went around a huge storm system at about 30,000 feet. While observing the thunderstorm I saw 2 white circles above the thunderstorm then disappear. It was moving in a non linear fashion. Then about a minute later I saw them again and turned to the passengers next to me and asked them to look out the window and tell me I’m not crazy. They both saw it and they moved from the top of the thunderstorm directly upward and also a non linear fashion and disappeared again. So I decided to film the thunderstorm to see if I saw the 2 objects again and I did. So I have a 40 second clip in which about 28 seconds show the lights again. The 2 objects are just above the thunderstorms and left of center of the video footage. I have to zoom in to see them better. Please let me know what you think. Thank you
Lanzamientos de cohetes (desde
- Sitio: Starbase (SpaceX South Texas Launch Site) , Boca Chica, Texas (USA) Vehículo: Starship B7/S24 Carga útil: Starship S24
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