ID | #1671312003 |
Añadido | Dom, 18/12/2022 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | |
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Caso
Datos iniciales
El cazador de Bigfoot compartió su experiencia salvaje que lo puso en el camino de la exploración de la legendaria bestia .
El maestro Erich James se ha encontrado con Bigfoot toda su vida y recuerda los momentos en que, cuando era niño, vio enormes huellas y movimientos extraños de animales en el bosque.
Años más tarde, las sospechas de su padre aumentaron cuando el encuentro lo convenció de su existencia.
En junio de 2020, viajó al este del estado de Washington, Estados Unidos, para visitar a un amigo que dijo haber visto a la mítica bestia.
Su amigo, un amante de las actividades al aire libre que pasaba mucho tiempo en la naturaleza, lo llevó al lugar donde afirmó haber visto bestias. Hablando con el Daily Star, Erich dijo:
"Estaba encendiendo una linterna por la ventana cuando vi dos pares de ojos blancos y brillantes que nos miraban".
Dijo que estaba conmocionado por lo que vio.:
"Los ojos que nos miraban brillaban como las estrellas. Eran brillantes, de color blanco puro y tenían lo que describo como pequeños reflejos que emanaban de su brillo".
Dijo que miró a su alrededor antes de detenerse en ellos, mirando a los cazadores durante 15-20 minutos.
"He visto brillar los ojos de todas las otras criaturas del bosque, y puedo decirte que se parecían a algo que nunca había visto antes".
Dijo que las gafas de visión nocturna no ven los ojos.
"Solo pude distinguir sus tamaños", dijo, "y eran grandes".
Cuando apartaron la vista, logró dirigir su tren con antorchas hacia ellos.
"Mi linterna iluminó sus cuerpos mientras giraban hacia un lado. Pude ver sus cuerpos desde la cabeza hasta justo debajo de las rodillas. Vi su cabello y tono muscular mientras despegaban a una velocidad increíblemente impresionante".
Erich explicó que su amigo sacó un arma para asustar a quien los miraba. Pero el sonido del disparo no significaba nada, los ojos solo seguían parpadeando.
Esta experiencia lo cambió, un extraño sentimiento sobrenatural cayó sobre él, regresándolo a su infancia.
"Comencé a sentir este puro sentido de curiosidad que nunca había experimentado antes en mi vida. Estaba tan limpio que me sentí como un niño pequeño de nuevo. Durante la primera reunión, parecía que se me había levantado el velo, y eso cambió mi vida por completo".
Noticias originales
A Bigfoot hunter has shared his wild experience that set him on track for a life of researching the legendary beast.
Teacher Erich James has been having encounters with BigFoot all his life, and recalls times as a child when he saw massive footprints and strangely moving animals in the woods.
The father of one's suspicions got more intense years later, when an encounter left him convinced of their existence.
In June 2020 he travelled to eastern Washington State, USA, to visit a friend who had said he had sightings of the mythical beast.
His friend, an outdoorsman who spent a lot of time out in nature, took him to the spot where he claimed he was seeing the beasts.
Speaking to the Daily Star, Erich said: “I was shining my flashlight out the window when I saw two sets of white glowing eye shine looking at us.”
He said he was blown away by what he saw: “The eyes looking at us shined like stars. They were brilliant pure white and had what I describe as little flares coming from their shine.”
He said the eyes looked around before settling on them, gazing at the hunters for “15-20 minutes.
“I have seen the eye shine of every other forest creature and can tell you that they were like something I had never seen before.”
He said a pair of night-vision goggles didn’t pick up the eyes.
“I could just make out an outline of their size,” he said, “and they were big.”
When they broke their gaze, he managed to get his torch train on them.
“My flashlight illuminated their bodies as they turned to the side. I could see their bodies from [the] head down to just below their knees.
“I saw their hair and the muscle tone as they took off at an incredibl[y] impressive speed."
Erich explained that his friend pulled out his pistol in an effort to scare whatever was looking at them. But the sound of the gunshot did nothing, the eyes just kept on blinking at him.
The experience changed him, with a strange supernatural feeling descending over him, taking him back to his childhood.
“I began to feel this pure curiosity feeling like I have never experienced before in my life. It was so pure I felt like I was a little kid again.”
He says that since that day the experiences have stayed with him.
“This was the start of the experiences I had last summer and I'm still having experiences to this day and now recently is when I'm feeling comfortable to share my experiences,” he said.
“It changes you,” he added.
He’s worked as part of Bigfoot research teams since: “During the first encounter, it was like a veil was lifted and it completely changed my life.”
Since then he’s had countless experiences and works tirelessly to try and make progress with research into the creatures and has gathered over 8,000 pieces of photographic and video evidence.
“I believe that I'm sensitive to the paranormal and that is part of why I have all this happening to me.”
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