ID | #1650984804 |
Añadido | Mar, 26/04/2022 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | |
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Investigación
Datos iniciales
Los usuarios de Internet están conmocionados por las nuevas imágenes de la cámara de imágenes térmicas que muestran a un "Bigfoot real" caminando por el bosque.
En imágenes del último episodio de la serie de televisión estadounidense "Expedition Bigfoot", un equipo de investigadores captura la señal de calor de una criatura bípeda en un bosque en el estado de Washington.
El espectáculo sigue a la antropóloga Mireia Major y los expertos en Bigfoot Bryce Johnson, Ronnie LeBlanc y Russell Acord, que exploran observaciones históricas en busca de la bestia mítica.
El clip se publicó en el foro Reddit r/Bigfoot, donde los entusiastas confían en que de una vez por todas prueba la existencia de Bigfoot.
Noticias originales
Internet users are in a frenzy over new images from a thermal camera appearing to show a "real Bigfoot" walking through some woods.
The footage, from the latest episode of American TV series Expedition Bigfoot, sees a team of researchers capture the heat signal of a bipedal being in a forest in the state of Washington.
The show follows anthropologist Mireya Mayor and Bigfoot experts Bryce Johnson, Ronny LeBlanc and Russell Acord as they investigate historical sightings in search of the mythical beast.
The clip was shared to Reddit forum r/Bigfoot where enthusiasts are certain that it proves once and for all that Sasquatches exist.
"Looks like a real Bigfoot," one person said.
Another wrote: "Nuts. Best evidence I have seen yet. Renewed my faith in the possibility of Bigfoot existing. I was starting to lose hope."
A third said: "No way that was a crew member, absolutely legitimate."
While a fourth added: "What is it going to take for people to believe the bigfoot/sasquatch species is real? This is possibly the best proof you are going to get."
The team used several military patrol drones to capture the footage, linked to tracking sensors set up to only record the movements of anything weighing more than 300lbs (136kg).
Despite this, some Reddit users weren't as convicted by the clip.
One, sitting on the fence, said: "That looks pretty interesting. I'd definitely say it's either a Bigfoot or a person, given the arm swings.
"Could it have been a crew member (or someone trying to hoax them)? If not then I think the investments in the technology in this show are finally starting to pay off."
Agreeing, someone else said: "Either they staged it or its a real BF [Bigfoot]. You can clearly see long arm movement, so to me that rules out a person. And it sure as hell ain't no bear."
Some, however, weren't convicted at all.
One wrote: "Not clear on how you can rule out a human."
"These shows are clearly fake," said someone else.
"It’s frustrates the hell out of me how people actually get fooled by this."
Arte de la promoción

Varias promociones de la publicidad y el arte, pueden ser приныты es una casualidad que en los fenómenos paranormales o percibir por ellos deliberadamente.
El misterioso y místico tema atrae la atención de la gente, por lo que puede usarse para atraer a la audiencia.
Es difícil evaluar (y creer) la realidad de estas imágenes, ya que es, sin embargo, un programa en la televisión. Teniendo en cuenta que también es el final de la penúltima (o pre-Última) serie de la temporada.
Lugar de observación, dicho en el episodio:
Russell Acord sube la ladera para explorar el terreno alrededor de los huesos que encontró cerca del lago Washington.
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