ID | #1645600915 |
Añadido | Mié, 23/02/2022 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | |
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Hipótesis
Datos iniciales
YouTube Sky360 hace un software para disparar objetos voladores. Esto fue grabado por una cámara que monitorea todo lo que vuela en el cielo. Un testigo presencial cree que es la caída de una vieja sonda meteorológica.
Noticias originales
Date of sighting: April 14, 2021 but reported this week.
Location of sighting: Alaska, USA
Alaska is the least populated state in the United States, so it makes sense that aliens would find it much easier to hide from the public in such a large densely populated location.
Awesome capture. Youtuber "Sky360" makes software to capture flying objects. And it it goes, mini AI. Oh, and this was recorded by a computer cam which watches for anything that is flying in the sky. Its the software the person is developing to catch it. I saw a few other videos of him meeting with many other developers on the project and I guess its still in development, but really awesome. So because a human didn't catch this...there is no chance or bias tied to this sighting. It's pure cam footage.
The eyewitness believes it to be an old weather balloon falling...and it is similar, but it's an incorrect assumption. If you watch the video carefully, you will notice that at the 31 second mark...another UFO comes from the right of the screen and heads towards the two larger ones. Also at the 33 second the two larger ones are falling...a fourth one is hovering below them waiting...for them to join together. Those two additional objects do not have the behavior of a broken balloon, but of a craft intelligently controlled and deliberately maneuvered. This video is undeniable proof that aliens fly in groups.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
Probably an exploded balloon came down in Alaska. Inquiries about a missing balloon over Alaska were running short.
El Dirigible/Метеозонд

El dirigible (simplificado es el globo) — una nave más ligero que el aire, como la fuerza de elevación se utiliza un recluso en el shell de gas o de aire caliente) con una densidad menor que la densidad del aire ambiente.
Distinguen привязные, свободнолетящие y los aeróstatos, con motor — los dirigibles.
Globos y pelotas

El globo no tripulada (dirigible), en el que para el vuelo se usa el gas, que es más ligero que el aire.
Globos son de diferentes tamaños y formas el tamaño de los juguetes, a menudo hecha de látex. Se infla de aire u otro gas. Si utiliza un gas más ligero que el aire, la bola adquiere la capacidad de volar. En la foto se ve como un pequeño punto. Los colores y mate depende de la textura y color de la bola.
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