ID | #1636543980 |
Añadido | Mié, 10/11/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | |
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
El testigo viajaba hacia el este por la autopista 30 desde Astoria en dirección al aeropuerto de Portland. Es principalmente un campo densamente arbolado y no hay farolas.
A unas 8 millas al este de Astoria, entre John Day y Svensen, de repente noté una luz estroboscópica extremadamente brillante (como el Flash de una cámara profesional) que parecía estar al sureste de mí, pero había árboles en el camino.
Después de aproximadamente un minuto, supongo que di la vuelta y un objeto apareció al sureste en el cielo. No estaba muy alto en el cielo y solo lo vi por unos segundos, pero tengo la impresión de que tiene forma de platillo, con ventanas tipo ojo de buey con barras transversales.
Sin embargo, no pude distinguir la forma de todo el objeto, ya que la luz de las ventanas era tan deslumbrantemente brillante. La descripción de la apariencia de un platillo es estrictamente una impresión de mi mirada rápida. Extrañamente, las ventanas parecían un poco cuadradas y había al menos dos, tal vez tres.
La luz que entraba por las ventanas era uniforme, aunque una ventana parecía más grande que el resto. Era la luz alrededor del objeto que estaba estroboscópico. No parecía moverse, pero era difícil decirlo ya que me estaba moviendo. Me sorprendió tanto que frené un poco, pero es un camino muy estrecho e insidioso, así que no pude parar. Pero todavía tengo su imagen en mi cabeza contra el cielo negro. También tuve que vigilar la carretera, pero mi hijo vio las luces en el fondo del bote.
Mi hijo y mi cuñada estaban conmigo, y mi cuñada también lo vio. Mi cuñada dijo que parpadeaba aproximadamente un minuto después de que pasamos y luego la luz se desvaneció.
Lo siento, no tenemos fotos ni videoclips de audio. Y no sabría qué dibujar, ya que estoy más impresionado con la imagen que con la forma real que podría dibujar. Mi hijo dice que podría dibujarlo y me enviará su dibujo, pero no sé cuándo.
No tenemos idea de lo que vimos, pero todos pensamos que era un OVNI, ya que simplemente no había otra explicación allí fuera de lo común. ¿Hay alguna otra explicación? Si es así, por favor hágamelo saber!"
Noticias originales
Three witnesses spot saucer-like object with windows
Date: December 30, 2005
Location: Astoria, Oregon, United States
My impression was that of a saucer-sort of shape, with porthole-type windows with cross-bars. I could not discern the shape of the whole object, though, as the light from the windows was so blindingly bright. The description of having a saucer-like appearance is strictly an impression from my quick glance. Strangely, the windows seemed a little squared, and there were at least two, probably three, of them.
Drawing of Object by One of Witnesses
Source: UFOs Northwest (
[go to original source]
Date of Sighting: December 30, 2005 (Exact Date Unknown)
Time of Sighting: 6:05 a.m. PST
Duration of Sighting: Approximately 2 Minutes
Date Reported: December 30, 2005
Location of Sighting: 8 Miles East of Astoria, Oregon (Northern Oregon Coast)
Latitude: 46.15 Degrees N
Longitude: 123.675 Degrees W
Number of Witnesses: Three
Number of Witnesses Interviewed: One
Weather: Visibility 4 Miles in Moderate Rain. Cloud Ceiling 900 Feet.
Description (In Witness's Own Words With Minor Edits):
Description: "I was driving east on Hwy 30 from Astoria, heading to Portland Airport. It is mostly a densely forested rural area, and there are no street lights. About 8 miles east of Astoria, between John Day and Svensen, I suddenly spotted an extremely bright strobing light (like from a professional camera's strobe light), which appeared to be to the south east of me, but there were trees in the way."
"In about a minute, I would guess, I rounded a bend, and there was an object in the sky to the southeast. It was not very high in the sky at all, and I only saw it for a few seconds, but my impression was that of a saucer-sort of shape, with porthole-type windows with cross-bars."
"I could not discern the shape of the whole object, though, as the light from the windows was so blindingly bright. The description of having a saucer-like appearance is strictly an impression from my quick glance. Strangely, the windows seemed a little squared, and there were at least two, probably three, of them."
"The light coming through the windows was even, although one window did appear to be larger than the others. It was the light around the object that was strobing. It did not appear to be moving, but it was hard to tell, since I was moving. I was so startled, I slowed down a bit, but it is a very narrow and treacherous road, so I could not stop. But I still have the image of it against the black sky in my mind. I had to keep my eyes on the road, too, but my son saw lights on the bottom of the craft."
"My son and daughter-in-law were both with me, and my daughter-in-law saw it, too. My daughter-in-law said it strobed for about a minute after we drove by, then the light disappeared."
"Sorry, we have no pictures or audio-video clips. And I wouldn't know what to draw as I have more of an impression of an image than an actual shape that I could draw. My son says he could draw it, and will send me a drawing of it, but I don't know when."
"We have no idea what we saw, but we all thought it was a UFO, since there just didn't seem to be any other explanation out there in the middle of nowhere. Is there another explanation? If so, please let me know!"
Investigator's Notes:
"My initial impression is that the witnesses may have spotted helicopters. The Coast Guard patrols this area on a regular basis. The witness thought that the objects were saucer-shaped and had windows. Her report was detailed and must have had made an impression on her given that she reported the sighting within a few hours of occurrence. The witness has provided considerable information since her original report. With this new information, I rate this case as a "strong" unidentified because of the very low clouds (meaning that object was flying very low), the fact that witnesses heard no sound (eliminates helicopters), and how "shook up" the witnesses were after the sighting. The picture drawn by one of the witnesses certainly indicates a non-conventional object."
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