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Estadísticas del sitio

Se han registrado en el Archivo 35225 hechos de 177 países que pertenecen a 1198 fenómenos. De ellos se han revelado 2834, otros 11033 están en la fase de prueba para la conformidad de una de las 322 versiones.

Se han agregado 0 hechos durante las últimas 24 horas.

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Estás en la sección "Archivo"

Esta sección contiene una descripción de los hechos inexplicados proporcionados por testigos o publicados en los medios de comunicación, así como los resultados de su análisis por los participantes en el grupo.

OVNI. Estados Unidos

ID #1636468170
Añadido Mar, 09/11/2021
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha del incidente: 
02.03.2005 02:00
Окичоби, FL
Estados Unidos

Un testigo escribió:

"Todo comenzó con una estrella brillante en la esquina sureste que aumentaba a medida que avanzaba hacia mí a medida que avanzaba hacia el lugar iluminado, el objeto desconocido se elevó hacia el cielo y vi un triángulo gris claro en la parte inferior con 3 luces una en cada esquina mientras se deslizaba silenciosamente hacia el Norte ".

Noticias originales

Date: March 2, 2005
Location: Okeechobee, Florida, United States

"It started out as a bright star in the South East corner, appearing larger with speed towards me, as I drove up to a lighted area, the unknown object lifted up into the sky and I saw a light grey, flat triangle bottom, with 3 lights one in each corner as it glided without any sound toward the North."

Source: UFOEvidence.org


"It started out as a bright star in the South East corner, appearing larger with speed towards me, as I drove up to a lighted area, the unknown object lifted up into the sky and I seen a light grey, flat triangle bottom, with 3 lights one in each corner as it glided without any sound toward the North."

Sighting Time: 2:00 a.m.
Day/Night: Nighttime
Duration: unsure, it happened so fast
No. of Witnesses: 1
Urban or Rural: rural/country
No. of Object(s): Single
Shape of Object(s): triangle
Color of Object(s): light grey on the bottom

Full Description and Details

"On March 02, 2005, at approximately 2:00 a.m., I seen a bright star in the South East corner of where I work at, approximately 17 miles North of Okeechobee, Florida. As I drove Westward, I noticed the light appearing larger towards my direction. I got a little worried so I stepped on the gas, and it became faster with speed with a flame behind it, heading behind my work vehicle. I did not know what to think except to get out of that area. As I drove up toward some lights, I noticed the bright object lift up into the sky going North. I seen a light grey triangular bottom with 3 lights, one in each corner. And as God as my witness, I have never experienced anything so strange in my life. I would place my hand on a stack of Bibles for what I have seen."

Personal Background

"I am employed as a State Correctional Officer. And at this time, I am working toward a degree in Criminal Justice."

Other Comments

"This is one of those type of situations where a person has to be there to believe it. A person can kick back, look up at the stars every night and see the same ole thing or take a relaxing drive down the road in the night time, and all of a sudden, something unknown appears before your eyes. What are you to do? Should you tell someone? Would they believe you? This strange situation has happened to me; am I going to try and make some people believe it? No, why, it is something beyond our own understanding. Some people, whom have never experienced this, may think I or others are nuts. But who's to say it will not happen to you. When it does, come back and tell me all about it, and just maybe, we might have something to talk about."

Reported Sighting? Yes
Reported To: I notified my Supervisor and wrote an incident report.
Name: DeAnne Davis
Location: Okeechobee, Florida
Age: 34

Date Report Received: 3/2/2005


Lista de versiones que contienen características que coinciden con las descripciones de testigos o evidencia material
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Verificación de versiones, su confirmación o refutación. Información adicional, notas durante el estudio de los materiales.
No hay suficiente información


La explicación más probable. La versión, confirmada por la investigación
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Amigos del sitio

  • Мир тайн — сайт о таинственном
  • Activite-Paranormale
  • UFOlats
  • Новый Бестиарий
  • The Field Reports
  • UFO Meldpunt Nederland
  • Паранормальная наука, наука об аномалиях
  • Новости уфологии
  • UFO Insights
  • Mundo Ovnis



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