ID | #1624890228 |
Añadido | Lun, 28/06/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | |
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Cuatro adolescentes estaban acampando en el desierto cuando decidieron pasar la noche. Se subieron a la autocaravana, se prepararon para dormir y apagaron las luces alrededor de las 21:30.
A las 00: 30, se despertaron después de escuchar varios sonidos metálicos. Encendieron las luces y todo el metal que no estaba Asegurado se adhirió al techo de la camioneta durante unos 10 a 15 segundos, después de lo cual los cuatro sintieron una fuerte descarga estática al mismo tiempo y todo volvió a caer al piso.
Aunque estaban medio dormidos, ignoraron el evento como una especie de "actividad extraña", volvieron a apagar las luces y, después de unos 30 minutos, las luces se apagaron afuera. Se detectaron movimientos y uno de ellos observó durante aproximadamente un minuto, creyendo que era un Coyote u otro animal.
Cuando las luces se apagaron de nuevo, despertó a su amiga hermana.
Ella le preguntó qué estaba pasando afuera, e inmediatamente después, ella gritó, y había una extraña criatura mirando por la ventana con brazos muy largos y delgados, su cuello tenía aproximadamente una pulgada y media de grosor, lo que hacía evidente que no lo era. Es un hombre, y su piel era azulado y algo translúcida, y en cuanto a su gran forma ovalada, no tenía rasgos distinguibles aparte de la débil luz azul brillante.
Había una pistola debajo de la cama, por lo que un testigo masculino lo recogió y le disparó a la criatura. La criatura presionó sus manos contra su cabeza y, tropezando, volvió a encender el detector de luz. En ese momento, estimaron su altura en aproximadamente 7 pies y 5 pulgadas (226 cm) con brazos largos casi tocando el Suelo y extremadamente delgados con patas muy largas. Luego simplemente desapareció.
Noticias originales
Location. Death Valley, California
Date: early April 2009
Time: 0030a
Four teenagers were out camping in the desert when they decided to turn in for the night. They got into the RV and got ready for sleep and turned all the lights out at about 2130. At 0030a they woke up after hearing several metallic clangs. They turned the lights on and anything metal that wasn’t secured stuck to the roof of the RV for about 10-15 seconds, after that the four of them simultaneously felt a strong static shock and everything fell to the floor again. Although we were half asleep they sort of disregarded the event as some ‘freak something’ they turned the lights off once more and about 30 minutes later the motion detection light outside went off and one of them looked out for about a minute assuming that it was a coyote or another animal. When the light went off again he woke up his girlfriend sister. She asked him what was going on outside, and immediately after that she screamed and there was a bizarre creature at the window looking in with very long skinny hands, its neck was about an inch and a half thick which made it obvious that it wasn’t human, and its skin was bluish and somewhat translucent and as for its large oval shaped head, it had no discernible features except a faintly glowing blue light. There was a gun under the bed so the male witness picked it up and shot at the creature. The creature held its hands to its head and stumbled back setting off the light detector once more. At this point they estimated its height to have been about 7 feet 5 inches with long arms that almost touched the ground and extremely thin with very long legs also. Then it just vanished. The next morning they found a huge burn mark on the left side of the top of the RV and 3 trees that were there the previous day just vanished, with no sigh of them being chopped down.
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