ID | #1624645982 |
Añadido | Vie, 25/06/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | UFOs Northwest
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
La testigo se levantó después de un descanso nocturno en el baño y vio claramente desde la ventana de su habitación un brillante destello azul / verde claro en el cielo del este sobre Fort Warden. Ella pensó que podría ser, pero luego se acostó de nuevo.
No pasó mucho tiempo cuando el auto comenzó a gruñir, advirtiéndole de algo. Completamente despierta, notó un par de piezas en la esquina de la habitación, parpadeó y volvió a parpadear, tratando de convertirlas en algo famoso, pero no pudo.
No del todo alarmada, cerró los ojos porque no quería verlos e inmediatamente se hundió en un sueño profundo.
Cuando quiso buscar las formas nuevamente (parecía que sus ojos estaban cerrados por solo un momento o dos), desaparecieron, al igual que un par de horas.
Un caso similar ocurrió, sin un destello de luz, meses antes de este episodio.
Noticias originales
Date: March 30 2008
Location: Port Townsend, Washington
Time: 0200 am
Summary: The witness was up after a night time bathroom break and clearly saw from her bedroom window a bright blue/lime green flash brightly in the eastern sky over Fort Worden. She wondered about what it might be, but laid down again. She hadn’t been dong long when the car started growling, alerting her to something. Fully awake, she noticed a couple of shapes in the corner of the room, blinked and blinked again to try to turn them into something known, but couldn’t. Not precisely alarmed, she closed her eyes because she didn’t want to see them and immediately fell into a deep sleep. When she thought to look around for the shapes again (it felt as though it had been just a moment or two that her eyes were closed), they were gone and so were a couple of hours. A similar occurrence happened—without the flash of light—a few months previous to this episode, leaving her with a strange puncture mark and a bruise on her arm the next morning.
Source: UFOs Northwest
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