ID | #1624633803 |
Añadido | Vie, 25/06/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | |
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Caso
Datos iniciales
El niño de 13 años regresaba a su casa cuando "sintió" que alguien o algo lo estaba mirando.
Mirando al otro lado de la calle hacia el territorio de una guardería abandonada, vio a una figura alta con ojos rojos brillantes que parecía estar tratando de esconderse detrás de una pared, pero lo miró fijamente. Asustado, sintió una especie de" influencia " proveniente de la figura y lloró, luego corrió a su casa.
La figura tenía un traje ligero con un área luminosa en el pecho que se asemejaba a una estrella. Estaba a unos 30 pies (9 m) o menos del testigo. Después de la reunión, sufrió pesadillas.
Noticias originales
Date: November 2008
Location: Homestead, Florida
Time: night
Summary: A 13-year old boy was walking back to his house when he ‘felt’ someone or something staring at him. Looking across the street on the grounds of an abandoned nursery, he saw a tall figure with shiny red eyes that seemed to be trying to hide behind a wall, but was staring at him intently. Terrified he felt a sort of ‘influence’ emanating from the figure and began to cry, he then ran into his house. The figure seemed to have been wearing a light suit with a luminous area on the chest area resembling a star. It was about 30 feet or less from the witness. He was bothered with nightmares after the encounter.
Source: Personal interview with witness
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