ID | #1624525433 |
Añadido | Jue, 24/06/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Your True Tales—January 2008
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
El testigo estaba en el patio trasero disfrutando de una fogata con su boxeador Duke y el Pug JJ. Estaba sentado en una hamaca y tocando una guitarra acústica mientras Duke levantaba la cabeza y gimía.
Se puso a cuatro patas, y el testigo vio que el pelo de JJ estaba parado en su espalda. Luego vio dos ojos rojos sentados en su techo. Se le cayó la mandíbula y sintió miedo. Los ojos miraban directamente a través de él. Lo que asustó aún más al testigo fue que sus pensamientos parecían ser interrumpidos por los pensamientos de otras personas.
Durante todo este tiempo, le alimentaron mensajes extraños como "No tengas miedo" o "Soy solo yo", y lo más extraño:"no mires atrás".
Estaba acostado y observando la figura cuando de repente saltó del techo y ahora estaba al lado de su puerta trasera. Estaba muerto de miedo cuando la criatura se arrastró lentamente hacia él y sus perros. Agarró a sus perros por los collares y gritó: "¡Vete!”.
La figura se detuvo tan pronto como entró en la luz de la tormenta activada por el movimiento, se congeló en la luz y sus ojos dejaron de brillar en rojo.
Era una criatura baja, de unos 3-4 pies (0,9-1,2 m) de altura. Tenía una cara humana mezclada con una especie de mono. Tenía una larga cola negra, pero tenía brazos grandes, brazos largos y delgados y piernas cortas y gruesas. Su cuerpo estaba cubierto de pelo corto y grueso, y sus ojos ahora eran completamente negros.
Miró fijamente al testigo y sus perros durante unos segundos que parecían eternos. Luego simplemente atravesó el césped y saltó sobre una cerca de madera de seis pies (1,8 m) de altura que rodeaba todo el patio del testigo.
La noche después del incidente, el testigo recibió algunas llamadas telefónicas inusuales de una voz que sonaba como un robot, hablaba lentamente, era normal y tranquilo, y cada vez que pronunciaba una palabra, su tono cambiaba.
Noticias originales
Location. Northern Vermont (exact location not given)
Date: December 13 2007
Time: night
The witness was out in his backyard enjoying a campfire with his boxer Duke and pug Jay-Jay. He was sitting on his hammock playing his acoustic guitar when Duke raised his head and whimpered. He got up on all fours and the witness could see that Jay-Jay’s hair was standing up on the butt end of his back. Next he saw two red eyes sitting on his roof. His jaw dropped and he got a feeling of dread. The eyes were looking straight through him. What terrified the witness more was that he seemed to be getting his thoughts interrupted by some thoughts that were not his. The whole time he was being fed these weird messages like, “Don’t be afraid” or “It’s just me” and the weirdest, ‘Don’t look back.” He laid there watching the figure when it suddenly jumped off the roof and was now near his back door. He was scared to death as the creature slowly crept toward him and his dogs. He grabbed his dogs by their collars and screamed “go away!”. The figure stopped as soon as it stepped into the storm light, activated by movement, it froze in the light and its eyes stopped glowing red. It was a short creature, about 3-4 ft tall. It had a face like man mixed with some sort of monkey. It had a long black tail, but had big hands, long skinny arms and short thick legs. Its body was covered with a short, thick fur and its eyes were now completely black. It stared the witness and his dogs down for a few seconds that felt like an eternity. Then it just bolted across the lawn and hopped over a six foot high wooden fence that surrounded the witness’s entire yard. The night after the incident took place, the witness received some peculiar phone calls from a voice that sounded robotic, that spoke slow was generic and calm, and every time it said a word its pitch would change.
Source: Your True Tales—January 2008
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