ID | #1624385168 |
Añadido | Mar, 22/06/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | |
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Caso
Datos iniciales
Dos testigos en Three Rivers, Texas, observaron 3 incendios a las 9:15 pm, el jueves 6 de agosto de 2015.
El primer testigo vio 2 luces, luego el segundo testigo vio también 3 luces. Al principio parecían blancos, luego las luces cambiaron de color y se volvieron anaranjadas antes de desaparecer. Las luces estaban muy juntas y toda la pantalla duró solo unos 5 segundos.
Los testigos escucharon el escáner, pero nunca escucharon la mención de la vigilancia. Las luces se dirigieron hacia el oeste, posiblemente sobre la carretera 72. Estaban por debajo de la trayectoria de vuelo del avión.
Los testigos estimaron la distancia en 4 millas.
Noticias originales
Date: August 6, 2015
Location: Three Rivers, Texas
Time: 9:3 PM
Summary: Two witnesses in Three Rivers, Texas observed 3 lights at 9:3 PM, Thursday, August 6, 2015.
[Three Rivers is located south of San Antonio.] The first witness saw 2 lights, then the second witness also saw a 3rd light. At first they appeared white, then the lights changed color and became orange before disappearing. The lights were very close together and the whole display only lasted approximately 5 seconds. The witnesses were listening to a scanner but never heard any mention of the sighting. The lights were due west, possibly over Hwy 72. They were lower than an airplane’s flight path. The witnesses estimated the distance at 4 miles.
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