ID | #1624025938 |
Añadido | Vie, 18/06/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Phantoms and Monsters Blog, July 14 2012
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Dos hombres estaban mirando el pantano en Spring Creek. Se pararon en la orilla y miraron a los lados. Han visto caimanes y muchas libélulas hermosas.
De repente, a través del pantano justo en frente de ellos, ambos vieron cómo el "pájaro" más grande que habían visto despegaba de un árbol y se dirigía directamente hacia ellos. Era gris, sin plumas. Tenía una envergadura ligeramente más larga que la longitud de la camioneta y parecía una "V"de cuero volador. Ella dio un giro empinado y aterrizó en un árbol. Su peso sacudió toda la parte superior del árbol y allí la perdieron de vista.
Tenía una cabeza blanca, alas grises y ninguna pata notable. La envergadura debía ser de diez a quince pies (3-4,5 m) y carecía de plumas, lo que parecía una piel de murciélago.
Noticias originales
Date: July 6 2012
Location: Spring, Texas
Time: evening
Summary: Two men were looking at a swamp at Spring Creek and were standing on shore just looking around. They had seen alligators and a lot of beautiful dragonflies. Suddenly, across the swamp, directly in front of them they both watched the largest ‘bird’ they had ever seen take flight from a tree and head directly for them. It was gray with no feathers. It had a wingspan of just over ¾ the length of a pickup truck and looked like a flying leather “V”. It made a sharp right and landed in a tree. Its weight shook the entire top of the tree and from there they lost sight of it. It had a white head, gray wings, and no noticeable feet. The wingspan has to have been between ten and fifteen feet and had no feathers, only what appeared to be hide like that of a bat.
Source: Phantoms and Monsters Blog, July 14 2012
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