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Fuego errante. Estados Unidos

ID #1624009232
Añadido Vie, 18/06/2021
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha del incidente: 
01.03.2012 07:00
Кендалл, FL
Estados Unidos

El testigo principal, Reinerio (ray) Hernández, informó que el domingo por la mañana su esposa y él vieron dos "objetos" diferentes en su casa, en su sala de estar ubicada en el primer piso de la casa.

Alrededor de las 7 a.m. de ese día, su bebé Jack Russell Terrier De 16 años se metió en su esposa en su habitación, diciéndole que quería salir a llamar al baño. Nena sufrió un derrame cerebral el día anterior y la mitad de su cuerpo estaba parcialmente paralizado. Al día siguiente, tuvieron que llevarla al veterinario para que la durmieran.

Su esposa luego llevó a Nenah por las escaleras. Al Bajar, vio una brillante "bola 3/4" en forma de una u invertida.tenía aproximadamente 2 pies (0,6 m) de ancho y 1,5 pies (0,4 m) de alto. El objeto era gris claro / plateado, y tenía dos pequeñas luces redondas verticales en la parte delantera que parpadeaban con una luz láser verde y pulsante dirigida directamente a su esposa. El flujo luminoso no era ancho, sino estrecho en ancho. En la parte inferior izquierda del objeto, comenzaron a parpadear destellos de luz blanca fluorescente muy brillante, algunos largos, otros cortos.

Siendo muy religiosa, su esposa comenzó a orar.

El objeto estaba en la pared de la esquina y parecía flotar a unos 4-5 pies (1,2-1,5 m) del piso.

Su esposa pensó que el tema debía haber sido una especie de señal religiosa, tal vez incluso un "ángel Celestial". Se arrodilló e intentó comunicarse telepáticamente con"Angel". El objeto parecía responder emitiendo más destellos de luz desde sus lados y más parpadeando con luces láser verdes, esto después de cada pregunta o consulta. Durante la espera, sostuvo al perro Nena y suplicó lo que fuera, luz o esencia, para que nuestro perro, Nena, no sufriera su enfermedad.

Luego, las dos luces verdes en el objeto comenzaron a parpadear rápidamente, y los destellos de luz blanca del lado del objeto comenzaron a viajar una distancia mayor. Ella creía que realmente era una respuesta "positiva" a sus oraciones.

Después de unos 15 minutos de comunicación con la "entidad", ella comenzó a gritarle a Reinerio que bajara de inmediato. Sin embargo, él la ignoró porque había dormido mal anoche, y después de 5 minutos de falta de respuesta, ella subió las escaleras, literalmente lo sacó de la cama y le dijo lo que había visto. Siendo racionalista, era muy escéptico. Sin embargo, finalmente decidió Bajar.

Una vez allí, no vio el objeto en forma de U, sino que vio un pequeño "cilindro de plasma" que parecía no tener bordes, pero parecía un objeto fluido con un movimiento constante y constante dentro y alrededor de los bordes del objeto. En el interior, podía ver luces multicolores translúcidas que se mezclaban como "agua de colores" y parecían mezclarse constantemente.

Este objeto parece haber sido de aproximadamente 1-2 pies (0,3-0,6 m) de largo y 6-12 pulgadas (15,27-30,48 cm) de alto. Se colgó a unos 4-5 pies (1,2-1,5 m) del piso en la misma esquina donde su esposa vio otro objeto.

En una extraña reacción, el testigo miró este extraño objeto durante no más de 15 segundos y lo soltó con un movimiento de su mano. Subió las escaleras e intentó dormir un poco más, pero después de 15 minutos se despertó de repente, aparentemente consciente de lo que acababa de ver, y corrió hacia abajo. Sin embargo, ahora el objeto ha desaparecido.

En ese momento, se sorprendió al ver a su perro afectado caminando y corriendo como si estuviera bien. Su esposa le dijo que el "ángel" había curado a su perro.

El 8 de julio de 2012, alrededor de las 3:30 a.m., su esposa vio una enorme embarcación del Tamaño de un campo de fútbol, posiblemente a más de un Cuarto de milla de su casa. Fue iluminado por docenas de brillantes luces multicolores.

También en agosto, el testigo principal, junto con otros cuatro testigos, incluida su hija, vio una embarcación muy grande con miles de luces blancas delgadas redondas y oblongas.

Noticias originales

Date: March 1 2012
Location: Kendall, Florida
Time: 07:00
Summary: The main witness, Reinerio (Ray) Hernandez reported than on a Sunday morning his wife and he saw two different ‘objects’ inside their home, in their living room located on the first floor of the house. At approximately 7 am on that day, their 16-year old Jack Russell terrier, Nena, barked at his wife in her bedroom, notifying her that she wanted to go outside for a bathroom call. Nena had had a stroke the previous day and was partially paralyzed on half her body. They were supposed to take her to their veterinarian the next day to put her to sleep. His wife then carried Nena down stairs. Once downstairs she saw a glowing ‘3/4 orb’ shaped like an upside down letter U. It was approximately 2 ft in width and 1.5 ft in height. The object was light gray/silver in color and it had two small vertical round lights on ‘the front’ which blinked a green pulsating laser-like light which pointed directly at his wife. The light stream was not wide but slim in width. From the object’s bottom left side bursts of a very bright fluorescent white light began to flare out, some long and some short. Being very religious, his wife began to pray. The object was located near a corner wall and appeared to be floating about 4-5 feet off the floor.

His wife thought that the object must have been some type of religious signal, perhaps even a ‘heavenly angel’. She knelt down and began an attempt to communicate telepathically with the ‘Angel’. The object seemed to respond by emitting more bursts of light from its sides and more blinking of the green laser-like lights, this after each of her questions or inquiries. The hold time she was holding the dog Nena and begged at whatever the light or entity was, that our dog, Nena, not suffer in her illness. Both green lights on the object then began to blink rapidly and the white bursts of light from the object’s side then began to travel at a greater distance. She believed that this indeed was a ‘positive’ response to her prayers. After about 15 minutes of communicating with the ‘entity’ she began screaming at Reinerio to come immediately downstairs. However he ignored her, since he had not slept well the night before and after 5 minutes of no response she went upstairs and literally pulled him from the bed and told him what she had seen. Being of a rationalist mind, he was very skeptical. However he finally decided to go downstairs. However once there he did not see the U-shaped object but saw a small ‘plasma cylinder’ which did not appear to have edges but seemed like a fluid object with constant displayed constant movement inside and on the edges of the object. Inside he could see translucent multi-colored lights, which blended together like ‘colored water’ and appeared to be constantly mixing together. This object appeared to be about 1-2 ft in length and 6-12” in height. It hovered about 4-5 feet from the floor in the same corner where his wife had seen the other object. In a strange reaction, the witness stared at this strange object for no more than 15 seconds and with a wave of his hand dismissed it. He went upstairs and attempted to get more sleep, but 15 minutes later suddenly awoke with a start apparently realizing what he had just seen and ran downstairs. However the object was now gone. At this point he was stunned to see his stricken dog walking and running around like she was perfectly fine. His wife told him that the “Angel” had cured their dog. On July 8 2012, at around 3:30 am, his wife had seen a huge craft the size of a football field, perhaps more about ¼ mile from their home. It was illuminated with dozens of bright multi-colored lights. Also in August the main witness along with four other witnesses, including his daughter saw a very large craft with thousands of circular and oblong shaped thin white lights.


Date: March 31, 2012
Summary: my wife and I also saw two different objects in the corner of the first floor of our house. At approximately 7 am that day, our dog barked and she went to bring him outside. When she went downstairs, she saw a glowing orb with a dome top and flat bottom. It was approximately 2 ft in width and 1.5 ft in height. The object had two vertical lights inside which blinked green pulsating light. Facing the object, on our left side, bottom part, the object emitted bursts of very bright white light, some long and some short. The object was located near a corner wall and appeared to be floating about 5 feet off the ground.
My wife started to pray and started to telepathically talk with the object. My wife thought it was some kind of heavenly angel. The object seemed to respond by emitting the white bursts and more blinking of the green lights. She was grabbing our dog at the time, and our dog had just had a stroke and was walking in a paralyzed fashion– limping to one side real bad and falling down as she walked. My wife asked if her dog can be cured. The lights then began to blink a lot.After 15 minutes of observing and communicating with this object, she started to yell for me to come downstairs. I ignored her cause it was Saturday morning and I did not sleep well the night before and wanted to sleep. After 5 minutes of her yelling she came up and finally told me what she had seen. I first went to the bathroom and then downstairs. I was very skeptical. When I got downstairs, we did not see the orb but a small cylinder shaped object which I am calling a Plasma Cylinder. The object did not appear to have edges but seemed like a fluid object with constant movement inside and on the edges of the object. Inside were multi-colored lights similar to plasma. Each color was not unique and separate like a rainbow but more meshed like colored water and the water colors are constantly mixing. It seemed to be full of energy with colors floating stationary in the air. The plasma object appeared to be about 1 ft in length and 6½ in height. It was about 5 feet off the ground near the same corner wall that the orb was previously seen. The object then went directly through our wall to go outside. I only saw the Plasma Cylinder object for about 2 minutes before it disappeared through our wall. Attach is a picture of the domed orb and the Plasma Cylinder. We are also attaching a picture of our corner wall. Please note that the orb/plasma object appeared between the left wall and the flower picture.Our corner wall is on the Western corner of our house. At 7 am that corner is dark because light does not enter that corner. We have also closed drapes on the Western window as well and that part was dark because the sun was just rising on the east side. We know what we saw and it was not an illusion.Also note that we were going to put our dog to sleep in a few days before this incident– she could barely move and was walking sideways and constantly falling down. After the orb left, our dog did not appear to have any symptoms of the stroke– she was walking perfectly fine. She is still sick but she now walks fine. We were freaked out by this. Many of our friends saw the difference in her walk and we told them what had happened. 
Source: Examiner.com


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