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Los espíritus. Estados Unidos

ID #1623958863
Añadido Jue, 17/06/2021
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha del incidente: 
29.02.2012 06:40
Estados Unidos

Una mujer de Tennessee ahora se siente amenazada en su entorno hogareño normalmente Pacífico después de informar un encuentro temprano en la mañana en su cubierta con una "masa negra sólida" de 6 pies (1,8 m) de altura en forma humana el 29 de febrero de 2012, según un testimonio de Mutual. Base de datos de informes de testigos De la red OVNI (MUFON). La mujer acababa de regresar de un viaje con su hija a la parada de autobús y tomaba café en la Terraza. 

"Estaba parado al final de mi balcón", declaró el testigo. "El balcón está a 12 pies (3,6 m) sobre el Suelo en la parte posterior de la casa. Es un anillo alrededor del balcón de la casa, que termina a cada lado con un toldo para el automóvil. Eran las 6: 40 AM est". 

El marido de la mujer en ese momento estaba dentro y ella estaba de pie en un extremo de su cubierta.

"Cuando giré la cabeza para mirar, esta criatura negra sólida y muy oscura en forma de hombre estaba de pie en el otro lado. Se volvió hacia el campo, apoyado en una barandilla, y parecía mirar hacia el campo. Me quedé sin palabras, pero no me asusté". 

La "criatura" se volvió hacia la mujer. 

"Cuando giró la cabeza para mirarme, comenzó a retroceder lentamente. Las piernas se movían como si estuviera caminando hacia atrás, pero nadaba muy lentamente. Movimientos felinos, como cuando un gato persigue a su presa?» 

Luego, la" criatura " desapareció detrás de la pared de la casa. 

"Luego miró hacia atrás con la mitad de su cuerpo y me miró por un momento. Cuando se fue esta vez, también lentamente, pasó su mano por el bosque. La mano negra es lo último que vi. Luego, la mujer corrió hacia el otro extremo del balcón y comenzó a buscarlo. Cuando se movió hacia atrás por primera vez, tuve una sensación de calidez muy tranquila. ¿Entonces me sentí culpable porque interrumpí esta mañana pacífica? Nunca me sentí en peligro hasta que regresó y me miró. No se dijo nada, pero tuve la sensación de que estaba transmitiendo el mensaje: "No voy a lastimarte hoy, pero podría hacerlo si quisiera".

La mujer dice que ahora tiene miedo de estar sola en la calle después del anochecer. 

"No hay mañana en el balcón. Mantengo las luces encendidas todo el tiempo. Esta criatura era tan negra que había un gran contraste entre ella y la luz de la mañana en el balcón. No se veían rasgos faciales. No había otra persona allí. Vi otra criatura". 

La testigo quiere protegerse de un futuro encuentro, pero dice que no sabe cómo hacerlo. El nombre de la ciudad no se mencionó en la parte pública del informe MUFON, que se presentó el 1 de marzo de 2012. No se incluyeron imágenes o videos (no publicados) en el informe. Las citas anteriores han sido editadas para mayor claridad. 

"La noche del 29.02.2012 presentó los rayos más increíbles que he visto en esta área. Creo que hay una conexión.

Nunca escuché aviones, helicópteros o cualquier otra cosa volando sobre mi cabeza.

Unos días antes, mi hija y yo vimos algo similar a un enorme meteorito o una "estrella fugaz". Caía de oeste a este. No lo asocié con nada. A menudo vemos "estrellas fugaces" en esta área. A partir de ahora voy a prestar más atención, tal vez no son estrellas?

Así que esta es mi historia de "vi a un extraterrestre en mi balcón". Es la verdad. Tengo miedo. Ahora creo que existen y comenzaré a prepararme para protegerlos, ya que al final me sentí amenazado. ¿Cómo sé cómo prepararme para esto? No había luz. Esa mañana en el otro lado de la cubierta. ¡Y por qué estaba en MI CASA !!!!!!!!"

Noticias originales

Date: February 29, 2012
Location: Tennessee 
Time: 6:40 a.m. EST.
Summary: A Tennessee woman now feels threatened in her normally peaceful home environment after reporting an early morning encounter on her deck with a 6-foot-tall “solid, black mass” with a human shape on February 29, 2012, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The woman had just returned from taking her daughter to her bus stop and was having coffee outside on the deck. “I was standing at the back of my deck,” the witness stated. “The deck is 12-plus feet off the ground at the back of the house. It is a wrap around the house deck, ending on each side at the carport. The time was at 6:40 a.m. EST.” The woman’s husband was inside at the time, and she was standing on one end of her deck.

“When I turned my head to look, this human-shaped solid black, very dark black, being was standing on the other side of my deck. It was turned towards the field, leaning on the railings, and seemed to be looking into the field. I was speechless, but not scared.” The “being” turned to look at the woman. “When it turned its head to look at me, it began slowly moving backwards. The legs moved as if it were walking backwards, yet it was floating very slowly. Cat-like movements, like when a cat is stalking its prey?” The “being” then disappeared behind the side of the house. “Then it peeked half its body back around and stared at me for a moment. When it left this time, also slow, it dragged its hand across the wood. The black hand is the last I saw of the being.” The woman then ran to the other end of the deck and looked for it. “While it was first moving backward I got a very calm warming feeling. Then I felt guilty because I had interrupted this beings peaceful morning? I never felt in harms way until it came back and peeked at me. Nothing was said, but I got the feeling that it relayed the message, ‘I’m not going to hurt you today, but I could if I wanted to.'”

The woman says she is now terrified to be outside alone after dark. “Mornings on the deck are not happening. I keep every light on all the time. This being was so dark black that there was a huge contrast between it and the morning light on the deck. There were no facial features at all. It was not another human standing there. I saw another being.” The witness wants to defend herself for a future encounter, but says she is at a loss as to how to do that. No town name was mentioned in the public portion of the MUFON report, which was filed on March 1, 2012. No images or videos were included with the report. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Tennessee is a current UFO ALERT 5 rating, with a low number of UFO sightings nationally. Tennessee had 8 reports in January, the 19th highest reporting state – while California had 90 reports in January 2012 – the highest reporting state in the nation.

You can read more details about other recently reported cases at the UFO Examiner home page. The following is the unedited and as yet uninvestigated report filed with MUFON. Please keep in mind that most UFO reports can be explained as something natural or manmade. If Tennessee MUFON State Director Eddie Middleton investigates and reports back on this case, I will release an update. Please report UFO activity to MUFON.com.

TN, February 29, 2012 – Solid Black Mass. Human Shaped. 6ft tall. Thin Build. MUFON Case 36183.

I was standing at the back of my deck. The deck is 12 + feet off the ground at the back of the house. It is a wrap around the house deck, ending on each side at the carport. The time was at 6:40 am est. I know because I had just taken my daughter to the bus for school and got back home. I always make a cup of coffee and go out on the deck when the mornings are nice. The weather was abnormally calm and warm.

While standing on the far left of the deck , leaning on the railings , I felt someone to the right of me. My husband hadn’t left for work yet. I wasn’t frightened. When I turned my head to look this human shaped solid black , very dark black , being was standing on the other side of my deck. It was turned towards the field , leaning on the railings, seemed to be looking into the field. I was speechless, but not scared. When it turned its head to look at me it began slowly moving backwards. The legs moved as if it were walking backwards, yet it was floating very slowly. Cat like movements, like when a cat is stalking its prey? The being dissappeared behind that side of the house and I am still standing there like an idiot dumbfounded. Then it peeked half its body back around and stared at me for a moment. When it left this time also slow it dragged its hand across the wood. The black hand is the last I saw of the being. I ran to the front of the deck. Across the carport and looked, there was nothing there. While it was first moving backward I got a very calm warming feeling. Then I felt guilty because I had interrupted this beings peaceful morning? I never felt in harms way until it came back and peeked at me. Nothing was said but I got the feeling that it relayed the message,” Im not going to hurt you today, but I could if I wanted to.”
So, now I am terrified to be outside after dark alone. Mornings on the deck are not happening. I keep every light on all the time.
This being was so dark black that there was a huge contrast between it and the morning light on the deck. There were No facial features at all. It was not another human standing there. I saw another Being.
02/29/2012 evening presented the most amazing lightening storms that I have ever seen in this area. I think there is a connection.
I never heard any plane or helicopter or anything else flying overhead.
Several days earlier my daughter and I did see what looked like a huge meteorite or ” falling star “. It fell from west to east. Didnt associate that with anything. We see ” falling stars ” a lot in this area. I will pay more attention from now on, maybe they arent stars?
So , that is My “I saw an Alien on my deck story.” It is true. I am scared. I now believe that they exist and will start preparing to defend myself against them since I did feel threatened in the end. Like I know how to prepare for something like that? The light wasn’t on. On that side of the deck that morning. And why was it at MY HOUSE!!!!!!!!

Source: Examiner.com


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