ID | #1623495905 |
Añadido | Sáb, 12/06/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Your True Tales—October 2007
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
En una pequeña reserva a las afueras de Albuquerque, el niño fue enviado a buscar una botella de jugo de un automóvil estacionado, y mientras su tío estaba acostado en el Sofá, escuchó a los niños gritar.
Su tío se levantó y vio entrar al padre del niño con el niño sosteniendo su mano. El niño parecía asustado y temblando. Su abuela habló con él y le preguntó qué había pasado.
Luego dijo que una "cosa" lo estaba observando desde detrás de la cerca de la cerca y luego lo siguió. Se dice que tenía unos 4 pies (1,2 m) de altura, con ojos rojos brillantes, patas peludas grises, garras largas y un hocico como el de un perro. En la ventana se encontraron huellas humanas con"garras".
Noticias originales
Date: February 2006
Location: Near Albuquerque, New Mexico
Time: 2115
Summary: At a small reservation outside of Albuquerque a young boy was sent out to get a juice bottle from a parked car and while his uncle lay on the couch he heard the boys screaming. His uncle got up to see the boy’s father coming in with the boy holding his hand. The boy appeared terrified and was shaking. His grandmother talked to him and asked him what was wrong. He then said that a “thing” had watched him from the fence lien and then came after him. He said it was about 4ft tall and had red glowing eyes, gray hairy feet, long claws and a snout like that of a dog. Human like footprints with “claws” were found near the window.
Source: Your True Tales—October 2007
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