ID | #1623409719 |
Añadido | Vie, 11/06/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | NUFORC
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
La testigo corría a casa para recoger algo para su esposo cuando vio "la cosa", que comenzó a moverse rápidamente de un lado de su casa al final del garaje y de regreso al bosque. Ella piensa que estaba a unos 15 pies (4,5 m) de ella. En medio de la caminata, se volvió para mirarla.
Ella lo describió como un tipo alienígena llamado "gris", shorty. Estaba asustada. Tenía una frente bastante arrugada, ojos negros, se veían ardillas muy pequeñas, "él" parecía tener arrugas o "bolsas" en otros lugares, su cabeza era algo grande, sus ojos eran muy grandes, su nariz era pequeña. Era de color blanco grisáceo y llevaba un manto gris con capucha que cubría la mayor parte de su cuerpo.
Hizo bastante sonido. El hermano del testigo afirma haber visto a la misma criatura en el patio trasero.
Noticias originales
Location. Collings Lakes, New Jersey
Date: September 18 2005
Time: 2130
The witness was running back home to grab something for her husband when she saw a “thing” that started to quickly shuffle from one side of her house to the end of her garage, and back into the woods. She thinks it was about 15ft away from her. In mid-walk it turned to look at her. She described it as resembling the so-called “gray” alien type, short. She felt a sense of fear from it. It had quite a wrinkled forehead, black eyes, with very small whites of his eyes showing, “he” seemed to have wrinkles or “bags” in other places, its head was somewhat large, the eyes were very large, the nose was small and somewhat flare out, it was grayish white in color and it wore a gray hooded robe that covered most of its body. It made a quite sound. The witness’s brother claims he saw the exact same creature in the backyard. Later the whole family heard the strange noise again, but a little louder coming from a different direction.
Source: NUFORC
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