ID | #1622627130 |
Añadido | Mié, 02/06/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes |, Sightings
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Dos testigos se dirigían a una ciudad cercana en Virginia occidental por una carretera bien transitada cuando vieron a una extraña criatura mirando a un lado de la carretera.
El "animal" parecía una extraña mezcla de ciervos y osos. En total, tenía unos seis pies y medio de altura. Tenía piernas muy largas y muy delgadas que parecían casi inestables, y todo su torso, cuello y cabeza estaban cubiertos de un pelaje negro muy largo. Sin embargo, sus pies no estaban allí (no podían ver sus pies debido a la hierba de dos pulgadas (5,08 cm)). La criatura se volvió para mirarlos antes de que se fueran. Tenía grandes ojos de color rojo. El hocico es largo y delgado, con una nariz de gato, sin orejas visibles.
Noticias originales
Date: December 11 2003
Location: Near Marietta, Ohio
Time: evening
Summary: Two witnesses were driving to a nearby town in West Virginia on a well-traveled highway when they spotted a strange creature off to the side of the highway looking away from them. The “animal” looked like a strange mix between a deer and a bear. It stood about six and a half feet high in total. It had very long, extremely thin legs that looked almost unstable and its entire torso, neck and head was covered in very long black fur. Its legs were not however. They were unable to see its feet due to the 2-inch tall grass. The creature turned to look at them before they drove off. It had large eyes that were red in color. The muzzle/snout was long and slender with a cat-like nose, they couldn’t see any ears.
Source:, Sightings
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