ID | #1622560326 |
Añadido | Mar, 01/06/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Your True Tales, September 2003 Paranormal
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
El testigo estaba viendo la televisión, dando la espalda a la ventana cuando las persianas de la ventana comenzaron a rebotar; lo ignoró, pensando que era solo el viento.
Después de 20 minutos, el testigo se acercó a la ventana y se sorprendió al ver a una extraña y poderosa criatura de aproximadamente 3,5 pies (1 m) de altura, mirando al testigo con enormes ojos rojos y ardientes. Era lo que rebotaba las persianas.
Horrorizado, el testigo corrió a su habitación, se escondió y no volvió a ver a la criatura.
Noticias originales
Date: August 2003
Location: Yonkers, New York
Time: 0139A
Summary: The witness was watching television facing away from the window when the blinds from the window began to bounce around; he ignored it, thinking it was just the wind. After 20 minutes the witness got up to close to window and was startled to see a bizarre powerfully built creature about 3-1/2 ft tall that stared at the witness with huge red glowing eyes. It was what had been bouncing the blinds. Terrified the witness ran to his room and hid and did not see the creature again.
Source: Your True Tales, September 2003 Paranormal
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