ID | #1622134012 |
Añadido | Jue, 27/05/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Karl P N Shuker, Strange Magazine 22
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
El testigo ayudó a su hermano a instalar un nuevo techo y se acostó sobre su espalda. Al levantar los ojos, vio una criatura fantástica alada.
Era algo así como un pájaro, pero era transparente. Por ejemplo, cuando ves animales unicelulares en un microscopio. Podías ver los contornos y las entrañas como una Medusa. Se parecía a un pterodáctilo en su forma.
Finalmente, se perdió de vista.
Noticias originales
Location. Hacienda Heights, California
Date: March 2001
Time: afternoon
The witness was helping his brother put up a new roof and was lying on his back on the roof. As he looked up, he saw a fantastic winged entity. It was something like a bird but it was transparent. Like when you see one-celled animals through a microscope. You could see the outline and the insides like a jellyfish. It was somewhat shaped like a Pterodactyl. It eventually flew out of sight.
Source: Karl P N Shuker, Strange Magazine 22
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