ID | #1622026204 |
Añadido | Mié, 26/05/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Fortean Times Forum
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Dos testigos se estacionaron en el paso elevado Interestatal observando las estrellas, con la esperanza de vislumbrar un cometa que aparentemente era visible en ese momento. Se estacionaron lejos de la ciudad para evitar el resplandor de las luces.
De repente, sentí como si el auto estuviera chupando aire, y ambos experimentaron una increíble sensación de fatalidad.
Uno de los testigos miró por el espejo retrovisor y vio una figura con una capucha roja caminando hacia el automóvil. Parecía acercarse al automóvil a una velocidad muy alta, aparentemente deslizándose por el Suelo. No parecía tener una cara, en lugar de la cara que se suponía que era solo una mancha.
El testigo arrancó el coche y salió del lugar a gran velocidad.
Noticias originales
Location. Southern West Virginia (exact location not given)
Date: November 2000
Time: late night
Two witnesses were parked on an interstate overpass doing some stargazing, hoping to catch a glimpse of a comet apparently in view during the time. They had parked away from the city in order to avoid any glare from lights. Suddenly it felt as if the air was sucked out of the car, and both felt an incredible sense of doom. One of the witnesses looked on his rearview mirror and saw a red hooded figure coming toward the car; it appeared to be coming up to the car at very high speed, apparently gliding over the ground. It appeared to have no face, where a face should have been it was just a blur. The witness started the car and drove away from the area at high speed.
Source: Fortean Times Forum
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