ID | #1621858204 |
Añadido | Lun, 24/05/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | Guardian Tales
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Un testigo estaba pescando en el lago Bluewater, y mientras estaba sentado en una silla al borde del agua, escuchó algo similar al gruñido de un perro. El rugido se detuvo y no vio nada a la luz del fuego.
Tomó su linterna y comenzó a escanear el vecindario. A unos 35 pies (10,5 m) de distancia, notó algo en un rayo de luz. Estaba sentado en sus patas traseras con la espalda hacia el testigo, pero tan pronto como lo golpeó con el rayo de la linterna, giró lentamente la cabeza y miró por encima del hombro derecho directamente hacia él.
La criatura parecía un lobo, pero era muy áspera y grande; abrió la boca de par en par; mucho más ancho de lo que un testigo había visto a un perro o lobo abrir la boca. La saliva goteaba de su mandíbula inferior y sus ojos brillaban de rojo.
El testigo sacó su arma de fuego, pero no disparó a la criatura, que estaba en silencio mirándolo. Entonces la criatura se precipitó a la oscuridad y desapareció.
Noticias originales
Location. Near Gallup, New Mexico
Date: January 2000
Time: late night
The witness was fishing at Bluewater Lake and as he sat on a chair by the water’s edge he heard something that sounded like a dog trotting nearby, the trotting stopped and he could not see anything by the light of the fire. He picked up his flashlight and began scanning the grounds nearby. About 35 ft away he spotted something in the light beam. It was sitting on its hind legs with its back to the witness but as soon as he hit it with the flashlight beam it slowly turned its head and looked over its right shoulder directly at him. The creature looked like a wolf but was very mangy and large; it opened its mouth very wide; much wider that the witness had ever seen a dog or wolf open its mouth. Saliva was dripping from its bottom jaw and its eyes were kind of glowing red. The witness pulled out his firearm but did not fire at the creature, which remained totally silent as it stared at him. The creature then scurried into the dark and disappeared.
Source: Guardian Tales
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