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Advenedizo. Estados Unidos

ID #1617729123
Añadido Mar, 06/04/2021
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha del incidente: 
Хьюстон, TX
Estados Unidos

Pamela Stonebrook, una famosa cantante de jazz cuyo primer secuestro registrado data de 1994 (pero también tuvo secuestros anteriores ocultos en su memoria desde la infancia), informó que más tarde tuvo encuentros sexuales con una criatura reptil. El sexo era muy diferente al sexo con cualquier hombre humano. 

Esa noche estaba dormida cuando de repente se despertó y se encontró teniendo relaciones sexuales con alguien hermoso, "como el Dios Griego". El hombre era rubio alto con cabello rubio y una cara bonita. 

Al principio pensó que era solo un sueño. Pero el sexo era tan feroz que cerró los ojos y disfrutó de los sentimientos que todo lo consumían. Y cuando abrió los ojos la próxima vez, no vio a un hermoso hombre rubio y delgado, sino que vio a un reptil frente a ella con piel escamosa. Y en ese momento, se dio cuenta de que un visitante alienígena podría enmascarar su apariencia. 

Temiendo la apariencia real del extraterrestre, ella se encogió. Pero luego escuchó un mensaje telepático de su " compañero»:

"Estás a salvo conmigo. Estamos juntos para siempre, nos amamos". 

Tal vez realmente han estado juntos para siempre, pero Pamela solo ha recordado esas reuniones desde 1998. Pamela describió a su amante reptiloide como muy sensible y muy inteligente, su cuerpo se parecía al de una serpiente, firme pero suave, de color verdoso o amarillo verdoso. 

Los ojos del reptil eran más grandes que los humanos, y notó diferentes tonos en los ojos del alienígena: dorados, rojos y marrones. Los ojos del extraterrestre le parecían felinos, con pupilas verticales, pero muy hermosas. Su cuello era masivo y tenía una "cresta", dos aberturas y una pequeña protuberancia en lugar de la nariz en la parte superior. Pamela finalmente pudo hablar con su familia y amigos sobre sus reuniones y dijo:

"Honestamente, no me importa si alguien se ríe de mi historia porque yo misma podría reaccionar de la misma manera, antes de que me pasara".

Noticias originales

Date:  1998
Location:  Houston, Texas
Time: night 
Summary:  Pamela Stonebrook, the famous jazz singer, whose first recorded abduction is dated 1994 (but she had earlier abductions, suppressed in her memory since her childhood) reported that she later had sexual contacts with a reptilian entity. The sex was very unlike any sex with any human man. On that night she was sleeping when suddenly she awoke and found that she was having sex with someone beautiful “like a Greek God”. The man was tall, blond, light haired with a beautiful face. At first she thought that it was just a dream. But the sex was so furious that she closed her eyes and enjoyed the all-submerging feelings. And when she opened her eyes next she didn’t see the beautiful blond slender man but before her she instead saw a reptilian entity with scaly skin. And that moment she understood that the alien visitor was able to camouflage its appearance. Afraid of the alien’s real appearance, she cowered back. But then she heard a telepathic message from her “partner” “With me you are safe. We have been together forever, we love each other”. Maybe they had been together forever indeed but Pamela only remembered the encounters since 1998. Pamela described her reptilian lover as very sensitive and very intelligent, his body resembled that of the body of a snake, solid, but smooth, greenish or yellow-green in color. The eyes of the reptilian were larger than human eyes and she noticed different tints in the alien’s eyes—golden, red and brown. The alien’s eyes reminded her of a cat’s eyes, with vertical pupils, but very beautiful. His neck was massive and on the top of his head he had a “crest” and two openings and a small bulge for a nose. Pamela finally was able to talk to her family and friends about her encounters and said, “Frankly speaking, I don’t care a rap if anyone would laugh at my story, because I myself could react the same way—before it happened to me.”
Source:  A Personal Experience; The True story of a Jazz Singer and her Extraterrestrial Contact” Pamela Stonebrook, Discovery Channel “Most Amazing UFO Stories” Broadcast January 22 2006 quoted by Svetlana Anina in: “Three years in love with a reptilian” “NLO” Saint Petersburg, Russia February 27 2006


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